Three hours until John's big oratorical whatever, but I can already smell the ether wafting in from the land of Amy Klobuchar (swoon), Bob Mould (une autre swoon) and all.
Mebbe like me you're already staring into the fire? Touching the flame? Tasting the burn? Hearing the yawps?
For example, former gov. Tom Kean just referred to NJ as "in play." Really? Are people doing heroin out on the floor out there? Is there a Howard Hughes element to this new, "reform" bloc coming out of the GOP?
John Ensign:
I think I'll just read a list of Republican talking points from the last 25 years instead of giving a speech.
Palin scared me, this guy makes me think that there is no way the American people are going to fall for this sh-t again.
Rule 40(b)
A hellva rule.
Off to canvass for Barack...may be back in time for John.
Have fun y'all.
juneau people in the house, y'all!
rule 40(a) in the house.
it _is_ a great day to be a Republican Woman, i bet.
Glad to see the party's started! I'll be back after I get E. to bed (a little before 9, I imagine).
some douche re biden's critique of the palin speech:
"she doesn't need to talk about the middle class - she IS the middle class."
dave cecil alert:
Keith O just broke news about Palin's long, strange trip through multiple colleges (6 stops altogether) on her way to a degree.
Thing is, reporters are so far stymied in getting further backstory. Why, you ask.
Parce que quelque chose qui s'appelle 'FERPA!'
Frist's speech was lame...
Brownback up now....
very negative...
I am getting a bad vibe from him...
No we will?
Yes we can't?
He's got wind energy going for him right now.....zing!
was Mccain a pow?
True Grits..now .99 cents a bowl
remind me how showing the okc bombing helps the repubs?
Unbelievably poor taste.
What do you call that? It's not quite the same as waving the bloody stump.
the video they showed was weird.
It conflated the Iranian embassy occupation with 9/11 and the okc bombing.
bobo now babbling about people's changing "risk tolerance"....
God is our head coach.
I never realized how much Gibbs resembles Pat Robertson.
"God's Game Plan"
Shorter Joe Gibbs: God created the game plan, and John McCain is the QB to carry America to victory.
I guess the lighted strip along the edge of the stage is blue tonight because John McCain is a boy.
(or does it cycle slowly through the colors of our flag?)
"Highway to the Dangerzone"
Also, they seem to have some "Peace" signs floating around.
We won in Iraq? Who knew?
Al Qaeda's in Iraq? Who knew?
It's refreshing to hear an old white guy root for war.
Lindsey's got this crowd on fire! Zzzzz...
"We came within two votes of a congressionally mandated surrender... Thank God for Joe Lieberman."
Joe Lieberman is so fucked after November.
I love it - "the road to victory" with a picture of headstones behind him. Perfect.
Wait a minute. A few things - didn't Obama meet with Petraeus on his last trip? And should military personnel be in uniform at a political convention?
Shorter Lindsey Graham: Barack Obama is not a warmonger, thus (and the rest is a guess at this point) the GOP is the party of peace.
Finally, the Palin tribute video!
They really need to stop outsourcing their video production to undergrads at Liberty University.
"An environment suited to outdoor adventure..." and drilling!
Hmmm... it sounds like Palin is something of a maverick.
I imagine Palin also loves puppies.
Wow. That video sucked.
This maverick video maverick is maverick making maverick me mavrick feel maverick a maverick little maverick woosy maverick and maverick I maverick think maverick I maverick will maverick need maverick a maverick bucket.
Hmm... like jokes about gorillas raping women? I can't see why y'all would be the only ones laughing.
P maverick O maverick W maverick
A crisitunity! How novel!
Too bad the rest of the GOP never understood that you win to govern.
Did Ridge really open with an anecdote about how John McCain has been a huge celebrity for, like, ever?
3 AM, sometime in the mid-80s:
ring, ring
Hello, Senator? It's Charles Keating...
Wow. Now we're just making up American history.
They were never the Founders. They were... the Mavericks.
"call the maverick forward" was always my favorite hymn
Wow! Ridge is lighting them on zzzzzz...
John McCain speaks truth to power!
Republicans: can't dance, can't do call and response.
The verdict is in: churched up, war supporting white folk like John McCain.
He's one of them!
Can't trust either side of that family with an airplane.
Creepy family values alert!
Founded the non-profit, and then she stole drugs from them!
So Cindy just stole a baby?
So... where's John's first wife?
What's up with the bling on her left, uh, shoulder.
Cindy sounds suspiciously like a community organizer.
And she's got that little pin that Palin had last night. What the hell is that thing?
Abraham Lincoln guides the modern GOP from the grave?
CNN is reporting:
Aides to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin improperly obtained her former brother-in-law's state police personnel files and cited information from those records to raise complaints about the officer, the head of Alaska's state police union said Thursday.
Did they ship Levi home before tonight?
Nope... there he is.
Do you think Levi is getting any on this trip?
I'm betting he thinks sex with a pregnant woman is gross.
I'm not thinking Cindy McCain is just like me.
Cindy is lighting this crowd o... zzzzz...
There was a kid uncomfortable with being a political prop.
cindy mccain's solidarity with the people of rwanda is longstanding. however, her willingness to dole out patronizing shout-outs and condescending pick-me-ups to ALL brown peoples may be news to some of you.
somebody get Paul Simon out here!
is she blinking at inappropriate moments?? or is it me?
Everyone loves noblesse obligé.
i think EZ's "mccain was a POW?" deserves mention as an early fave for post of the nite.
Help him everyday... changing the Depends, waking him from naps, chasing the kids off the lawn...
Let's have a pool. How much for tonight's ensemble?
McCain was a POW? Who knew?
I'm thinking the bling alone was $100K.
is that snarky "post of the night" or regular?
Are you including the pearls?
The sparkle completely obscured the pearls. What I think was missing was a rope, though.
I'm pretty sure McCain isn't going to speak in tongues, so he risks alienating this crowd.
New thread is up.
wobs and dave can tell you that i have a weird way of striking a deferent pose towards my GTFF forebears. sure, dave gets some licks from me semi-regularly, but they're always coupled with lunches on me, out-and-out, behind-closed doors worship-ful-ness, and a genuine sense that his fate and mine are irrevocably linked.
as for wobs, i don't think i've ever disagreed with him on anything in my life.
anywho, yeah, for reals, i think that was post of la soiree.
tip o'neal?
Thank Cheebus Nixon had a plan to end the war
"somehow John McCain's life was spared. Perhaps he had more to do..."
peace through bombing and drilling
shout out to the word "dank"!
Fred Thompson voice over.....bad
fred: a hack in acting and politics
new threadz????
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