Friday, September 26, 2008

Well look who decided to show up! debate open thread

He's done hiding, y'all! Let the free-fall commence in full public view!


lex dexter said...

okay, so is le Maverick going to A) claim victory because of the pending Dodd-Frank bailout or B) side with the House Republican "contras"?

dave3544 said...

That's not change we can believe in.

dave3544 said...

before we even get started...74.28% membership before the school year starts.

Not too shabby.

wobblie said...

Nice start. To the year, that is.

EZ said...

I thought there would only be questions on POW and POW status issues....

EZ said...

lay out the principalities BHO!!!!

1, 2, 3, 4 what are we fightin for?

wobblie said...

Oh jesus christ.

EZ said...

McCain cares more about Kennedy than Obama.... ya right

dave3544 said...

McCain's tie!

dave3544 said...

Ramble much?

S said...

Nice move on McCain's part...he kinda made Barack look like an insensitive jerk b/c he didn't acknowledge Kennedy's illness.

Can they really be good friends???

EZ said...

I think its more the middle of the side, and the top of the order.....

play ball....

dave3544 said...

Obama jumped him on the "I saw this coming."

wobblie said...

McCain "might" vote for it, if he actually happens to be anywhere near there when the vote comes down.

dave3544 said...

Obama has to jump on the "we have to hold people accouncable"

dave3544 said...

spending in washington has nothing to do with this crisis

dr said...

Greetings from the AGEL debate watching party!

wobblie said...

Let's drop as many buzzwords as we can into our answer. "We came to change Washington..." gag.

dave3544 said...

mccain can't pull of a joke because he was a POW

dave3544 said...


dave3544 said...

That's not change we can believe in.

wobblie said...

Hi dr and AGEL!

OMG - $3 million!!!! That's fucking outrageous!!!eleventy1!!

wobblie said...

I get gas that kills me every now and again.

EZ said...

I don't want to debate the issue... can we just move on

dave3544 said...

Did it corrupt Ted Stevens?

wobblie said...

Oh please, start talking about hundreds of billions of dollars doled out to a Texas size nation on the other side of the world.

EZ said...

sheriff of Nottingham maybe...

dr said...

Obama is more forceful than he was in the Primary debates.

EZ said...

I wanna cut it soooo bad.....

dave3544 said...

2000! 2000!

wobblie said...

Please make sure people know McCain would tax employer provided benefits.

EZ said...

Its actually gobbledy googley eleventy tree kazzillion dollars in earmarks

wobblie said...


dave3544 said...

Obama is doing well. He could have hit McCain with McCain's definition of who's wealthy, but I guess that's what surrogates are for.

dr said...

Snort v. Sigh: Which is worse?

dave3544 said...

McCain is going to cut spending.

dave3544 said...

God bless you John McCain. Almost like you don't know that Iowa is a key battleground state.

Keep talking smack about the ethonal.

dr said...

I get the feeling these guys don't like each other.

dave3544 said...

"several other programs"

EZ said...

drill! baby drill!

wobblie said...

Uh, Jim? Rule the country?

wobblie said...

Bringing it around to values, nice.

wobblie said...

No one cares if the government runs health care any more! Hurrah, we're on the slippery slope!

wobblie said...

"Orgy." Is that a dog-whistle to the left wing? And John's repeating lines.

wobblie said...

Oh, please bring up your mavericky partner.

dave3544 said...

The lesson is clear: You can not have a failed strategy that causes you to lose.

dave3544 said...

"You were wrong."

dr said...

Obama killed with his Iraq answer.

wobblie said...

John McCain is a cranky old man.

dr said...

True story, I once got in a huge argument about the strategy/tactic distinction.

dave3544 said...

Obama needs to stop interrupting

wobblie said...

The "that's not trues" - close as Obama can get to calling McCain a liar?

wobblie said...


dave3544 said...

Palin is.

dr said...

John McCain comes out against sabre rattling. That's what I call news!

EZ said...

I've been to waziristan but I've never been to me

EZ said...


dave3544 said...

This thing is two hours?

Simpsons is coming on.

EZ said...

90 action packed minutes

dave3544 said...

Sweet jesus.

If the "bomb, bomb, bomb, Iran" comes up, the go to the dead soldier story.

Both of them.

EZ said...

libral media lost vietnam

wobblie said...

Why do you know that, John? What do you have to say about that war you were in? You're killing me here!

dr said...

If it really is down to bracelets, I'm writing in Lance Armstrong.

EZ said...

the cheap shot express

dr said...

I read somewhere that McCain was a POW.

wobblie said...

McCain was a POW? Who knew?

THANK you, dr.

EZ said...

That was reported here at the OG first! First, I tell you, ya that's the ticket

dave3544 said...

he doesn't like to talk about it

dr said...

I demand a question about the Bush Doctrine!

EZ said...

What did he say about 3 inches?

dr said...

Which part is three inches shorter, and how does John McCain know.

EZ said...

Kissinger is a f'in war criminal!!!!

wobblie said...

Don't forget Poland! Oh, got it.

dave3544 said...

New thread for the post-debate?

I'm on MSNBC, but I kind of know how they are going to fall. What do you all have?

wobblie said...

Sure 'nuff. I'm assuming we'll have Bobo and that other guy.

dave3544 said...


KGB. Classic.

RK said...

who's bobo?

dr said...

What with all those petro dollars, Russia could become another Alaska.

wobblie said...

The Russian Empire - dude, that's so pre-1917.

wobblie said...

Bobo=David Brooks, on the PBS.

dave3544 said...

Fortunately, McCain has the ability to learn everything about a country just by visiting it.

Much like me with Italy.

kevin maier said...

just tuning in here, but i've been watching all along. is this too much policy wonkerery, or it just me?

call me ingorant, but it seems like mccain's "i went there" ethos is pretty good when the issues are so detailed.

can obama get on message w/ hope, etc? please?

amerericans don't really give a shit about ukraine.

dr said...

OT, Libb says "hi" and advises all parties to seek her out whenever they need guidance using mass transit.

RK said...

Please, someone make jm stop smiling.

wobblie said...

I think the interrupting with "that's not true" is part of his strategy.

dave3544 said...

Nunn-Lugar, sure.

brown beard said...

McCain is coming off as an asshole. bigtime

wobblie said...

Ah, now we enter the fearmongering competition.

dave3544 said...

Did McCain imply that we tortured a prisoner?

kevin maier said...

i feel especially safe when i go through the airport.. don't you..

dave3544 said...

Hey Libby.

Will Biden be part of the post debate spin?

I bet Palin won't.

wobblie said...

T. is wondering if Obama is a good kisser, right here in front of me. How humiliating.

RK said...

I totally understand that one, Wobblie. Sorry.

dave3544 said...

"Fragile Sacrifice," I believe, was a Tom Clancy novel.

dave3544 said...

China is active in Asia? DO tell.

RK said...

JM looks mentally ill. Seriously.

kevin maier said...

i heart veterans, too

dave3544 said...

Obama didn't see that closing statement coming.

wobblie said...



RK said...

i'm going to have to fall out on this one. veterans really chaffe me. - pattyjoe

dr said...

I can't believe Obama didn't hit him on Veteran's issues.

brown beard said...

Is Michelle taller than Barack?

kevin maier said...

alright, obama seemed presidential. job well done.

EZ said...

chuck todd on NBC: master debaters...JM's turf.... avoid the bailout....snore....