Download the May 2008 comp, (minus one Box Tops' track that's you'll need to go after in the marketplace. In fact, I recommend you pursue a market transaction with of each of these artists, which is why I've included links to merchants wherever possible.)
miniature parade bob mould
golly i'm hot on bob mould's district line, which is the 2000s equivalent of yr jackson browne or yr joni mitchell-style "confessional" alb, but featuring fugazi's brendan canty on drums and on the boards, as well as some of mould's toughest power-punk hooks since Sugar. mould's "dance-y" production tactics are even cool with me, cuz sonically it comes off equivalent to throwing a disco ball into an auto-wrecker.
everybody loves the sunshine roy ayers
easily the theme song of pattyjoe's adventures in the 2007 ford focus he knows so well. when my special lady enthusiastically approved of my submersion into a funk/soul/disco-geek-out phase, i don't imagine she figured i'd end up here. top of the world!

obstacle interpol
hey, dour nyc guys! nice peacoats! but seriously, ladies and chaps... this first interpol record belongs aside what's the story and southern harmony in the pantheon of great ersatz-rock.
return hoover
this is the band that bridges the gap between steady diet fugazi, spiderland slint and goat-era jesus lizard. what else to say? i actively pursue every record played upon by all the ex-hoovers and all their forebears and all their descendents. priceless.
note the downbeat vibes in the verses. pretty expert for the kids at the basement show to be dropping.
flowing teenage fanclub
up until a year ago i had not gotten any further than bandwagonesque, and now i've taken to saying they've eclipsed even pavement as standard-bearers for my goes-without-saying debt to slackerish-ness and big star. and they continue to be great, too. Man-made is to me way better than anything Tweedy and O'Rourke have perpetrated together.
d.c. blues gary louris
now we veer into adult-contempo terrain with this here ex-Jayhawk. pretty song, but i hold it in contempt cuz i wrote an acoustic record myself this year and his is like, 7,100 times better. that said, the production palette might've been cooler if it was a little more like that of if i could only remember my name and a little less like tapestry. but whose fault is that? it's producer chris "twice as awful" robinson's fault, actually.
salvation blues marc olson
and here is the other ex-Jayhawk, with a song that's almost ruined from day one with an icky lead guitar intro that suggests lyle lovett ain't far off. nah.... beautiful chorus and ramshackle acoustic-ish-ness.
atrophic revolutions hal al shedad
this band is another all-time fave combo of arty, indie dynamics and face-melting-ly aggressive emocore from the day. atlanta's finest, bar none.
what was kerosene 454
a more "midwestern" contribution from this recent discovery of mine... almost braid-like in its' sing-song-iness and buzzing SGvibes.
breezin' george benson
the first time i heard this song, i was receiving a lecture from a former Assistant Coach with the Utah Jazz.
pink frosty fugazi
creepy, slint-y tactics from the mature fugazi that gave us the mindblowing End Hits.
traded green trees corm
it's at this point in my May 2008 comp that i drive the Ford Focus off into the rest area and think, god i'm hitting it hard with the mid-90s emo 7"s this month. yeah, well...
in a free land husker du
that's more like it. i know this song because of the overlooked Everything Falls Apart comp. featuring the huskers way before and just after Land Speed Record. in contrast to that record - as staunchly "hardcore" an LP as the band ever produced - Everything Falls Apart houses a whole spectrum of sounds, including this tear-wrenching anthem, praise be. note the second bob mould appearance on this comp.

evening gown alejandro escovedo
a mick jagger cover... what can i say? i love the line about "sports clothes."
the leanover life without buildings
hello???!?? these vocals caught me by my pleasantries.
Hooray! Music for the iPod!
Wow--every time Patrick writes about music I feel old, uninformed, etc.--and yet strangely happy! And so it is with some trepidation that I offer up this idea to the OG crowd. Tell me what you think--and of course cross-posts will be totally welcome! Oh and btw--can someone school this old man about file sharing? Legalities, quality, best software, etc.?
god bless you , pjh.
the uni finally kicked down and got me a laptop--macbook air!--so the may mix is laying fresh tracks in the iTunes. it's a welcome addition, moreover, as i recently came to the sinking realization that my sources for new music have run dry, and my taste has officially atrophied (ca. 1998). my previous tactic of buying the album from the touring act doesn't work in a cultural backwater like JNU. to be sure, the only two "national" acts to come through Juneau this year: the presidents of the united states and hells bells (the feminin ACDC cover band). which is to say: i rely on you as my primary music maven. thanks for not letting me down.
Kevin... I do hope you went and saw Hell's Belles, because they are truly one of the best acts I've ever seen, even if they are an AC/DC (zombie jeebus I wish I could html the lightning there. Against Christ! Devil's Children!).
sadly, chris, i missed Hells Belles (pardon the misspelling above). i think they must have some family in town, tho', as they seem to come through every couple of years. I'll make a point of going next time. For the record, I've also vowed to go the Safeway parking lot to get an autograph the next time Carlos Boozer comes home to see his mom.
Turns out that John Prine is coming to town, too. $45 a ticket seems pretty steep, and I'm not really sure if I like the guy or not.
at least we have glaciers and bears...
glaciers and bears? what matters is that you've got Safeway up there.
great brand. union-friendly, scumbag CEO who remains one of Bill Clinton's fast-lane friends. did you see that horrifying, poorly-sourced Vanity Fair article about President Clinton? stunning on so many fronts.
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