Anyone else watch Fox News' Trillion with a T? I tuned in for the promised Andy Stern action, but there was very little of it. He got in two sound bites, one supporting the S-CHIP expansion and one about the funding of NCLB. The program was the expected propaganda job, with little pretext to fairness or balance, but I'm not bitchin', I knew what I was in for.
I did like this guy though. I mean, not as a human being or anything, but as a Republican who is young, can speak to a microphone without looking like a jackass, and is a sweet piece of meat, if that's your thing. He's extremely conservative and from Arizona so I guessed he was Mormon (not that there's anything wrong with that) and, of course, I was right. Does this hurt him for president or will Mitt's failed bids pave the way?
The answer is yes.
Trots for Romney'll have their day in the sun yet. In attempting to build a "United Workers Reconstruction Front" around Mitt Romney and the Nepalese Maoists, they'll end up albatrosses around Mitt's neck, and he'll end up going all "Finance-Capital's-Very-Own-Ron-Paul" on our asses.