Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Really? A veep survey.

Having just voiced my disdain for electoral politics' poisoning the labor well, let me now reaffirm my undying, indulgent worship of electoral-politics-as-such.

Tell me, people, is Bayh the guy? If so, why? Gimme the "midwestern" argument.

Seeing how there's reason to believe that this is veep-week for Barry, let's belly up and make some predictions.

Mine: McCain-Romney vs. Obama-Kaine

Why do I think Kaine? Cuz it sounds safe and vaguely disappointing, and that's kinda where I am with BHO these days. Now somebody turn my frown upside down! Personally I'd kill to watch a Biden-Romney debate. Can you even bleeping imagine?


  1. I'm in a funk.

    The oil shit has got me down, both that the GOP is winning with it and that Obama is going to cave.

    I spent too much time in the youtube comments yesterday, reading anti-union hate.

    Even Jon Stewart let me down last night, basically agreeing with McCain that the ad with Britney and Paris is not racist and Obama is insane for saying such a thing.


  2. I think Kaine's a non-starter. He won't help Obama carry VA (Virginians are disappointed in Kaine, to say the least), and additionally, it would give the GOP the statehouse at a time when the state is trending purple. It's not a "safe" choice as it were.

    Sebelius from Kansas interests me somewhat, but if I were to choose a female running mate for Obama, I'd go with Janet Napolitano, for no other reason than to embarrass McCain in AZ. I can't gauge the depth of the "Hillary or no woman" sentiment I've seen to know whether a woman veep is even an option.

    Bayh does seem to be the safe choice, but it doesn't excite me.

    And Dave, remember that the vast majority of youtube commenters are like this guy. Oh wait... that's actually not comforting.

  3. Biden would be THE guy to go up against Romney. He'd likely just start cussing him out before too long.
