Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Another Day at the Salt Mines

Ring, ring.

Caller: Hi,...um,...yeah...um, I'm a GTF...at um...the U of O and...um, I'm on the health insurance for the summer and I had...um... a question about it.

Me: How can I help?

Caller: Well, um, I need to cancel it.

Me: Okay. I can cancel your insurance as of August 15th.

Caller: Well, um, I, like, don't need it.

Me: Okay, we can only cancel the insurance to the next 15th of the month, so August 15th is the soonest I can cancel it.

Caller: But, I never used it...the insurance. I didn't use it, so I'd like to cancel it for the whole summer.

Me: Well, I can't retroactively cancel it....

Caller: But I didn't end up needing it, so...um...I...um...need to get my money back.

Me: I can't do that. You can't do that. You can't retroactively cancel the insurance.

Caller: But, um....

Me: You can't do it. Sorry, but you can only cancel it forward.

Caller: Um...okay.



  1. I suppose this is only slightly less aggravating than the call from the member who wants to sign up for "some insurance/assurance" after the fact. Uh, hi, I have never supported the union, but now I need you--can I sign up and have you handle my situation retroactively?

  2. Those are a dime a dozen.

    Insurance expired June 15.

    GTFs had until June 30th to make their payment.

    I had three people come into to make their payment today. One of them for his whole family.

  3. Have I mentioned how much I don't miss the stupid insurance questions? No? My god, I don't miss them.

    Dave, on the other hand...
