Wednesday, August 13, 2008

(My) Bambino Blogging: birthday edition

I have thus far avoided blogging about my offspring in this space for a number of reasons. I maintain a separate momblog, mostly for the amusement of the fam. And I have this hangup that goes something like this: when a man blogs about his kid, it's touching and sensitive; when a woman blogs about her kid, it's "jeebus, WTF is all this girly crap?" Not that I think any of you are thinking that. This is strictly internal dialogue coming from my own pathologies (and one too many run-ins with fellow feminists who are anti-mom.) Anyway, that said, I am putting all that aside for today because it's my wee one's second birthday. I am home today celebrating and, while he's napping, pondering how this little guy:

grew into this little monkey:

Happy birthday, Baby R.!


  1. that's a pretty cute dude, there. happy birthday to 'em.

  2. thank you, sir. a good day it was, indeed.
