Friday, August 8, 2008

In a Nutshell

Politico has a post wherein Obama and McCain are asked who controls the remote.
McCain: Sometimes I win the arm wrestling contest, but foolishly she continues to try to assert her control over the remote...

Obama: If I tell her, ''Sweetie, we've got game 5 of the NBA finals on,'' she's willing to give me a little slack. Most of the time, though, the TV is on HGTV, and I suffer that silently.
The comments section is largely a back and forth about whether McCain is a controlling asshole or whether he was joking. Then there was this comment which I found hilarious, disturbing, and probably a decent summation of the presidential race as portrayed in the American media:
The 'who controls the remote' question and answers from the candidates shouldn't surprise anyone. You have a man's man like John McCain who put his life on the line for his country hundreds of times and hangs out with real men in the military, at NASCAR rallies, Biker events and with working class guys. And you have an effeminate 95 lb. girlyman like Barack Obama who hangs out with liberal pansy's in academia, homosexual rallies, femenist-uber-alles events, immature students who worship him like the Germans worshipped Hitler, and liberal San Francisco America and American Military--haters who look down their collective noses at the white working class people of America as if they were do-do on their shoes.

Posted By: madhatter | August 07, 2008 at 02:31 PM

There you have it.

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