Friday, August 8, 2008

As If We Needed More Proof

Check out John McCain's speech on "Creating Jobs in America." Read through it. There is one, count it, one idea for "creating jobs in America"... lowering taxes on businesses.

McCain seems to be asserting that businesses are moving jobs overseas because taxes on businesses are too high. Now, one might be able to argue that businesses are "relocating" overseas to avoid corporate taxes, but in order to reverse that trend, you'd have to eliminate taxes on business altogether, no?

Businesses are relocating jobs overseas because they can get cheaper labor and, in some cases, avoid environmental and safety regulations. The sad fact is that, because of free trade, which I assume that McCain still supports, the only way to get those jobs back is to get the American worker to agree to work for third world wages and to roll back all regulation on businesses. In other words, a race to the bottom.

I want to assert that McCain knows all this, and talk of job creation is just a bunch of jibber jabber, but is it? I mean, if he knew he was lying about job creation, wouldn't he have done it more effectively? My fear is that he and his advisers really are just fucked up enough to believe that lowering taxes really is some sort of magical cure-all and if we just get taxes down low enough, then manufacteuring jobs will come flooding back.

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