Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Thanks, Walnuts!

With the controversy over FISA, questionable decisions about his economic team, and backing away from his campaign finance pledge, Obama has given the left-wing of the Democratic party much to lament.

Fortunately, John McCain has stepped up to remind us why we are supporting the guy in the first place.



  1. First off, I love the ad. Is it internet only? Viral? If it is, then I'd say that it's very savvy. Broadcast at 6pm? Not so much.

    But, sure, these are all issues that Obama is dead right about. The question is, will being right sell as well? And if it doesn't, how much is being right worth?

  2. I believe it is a net ad.

    If the majority of Americans think drilling, gas tax holidays, and nuclear are the answer, then we're fucked.

    I've just never seen a commercial for a politician that could be read either way.

  3. Oh, I don't think it can be read as pro-Obama. I just think it's extremely well done, especially if aimed at a net audience (think Ron Paul internet base). So at some level, my point is that you shouldn't let your judgment that the policies being advocated are piss poor blind you to the fact that it's a great, great ad.

  4. I do think it's a great ad. I just think that it's a great reminder why we, "the left," support Obama, despite his waffles toward the middle.

    I do think you can watch that ad and come away saying "Go Obama!" which is not the norm when watching a commercial put out by a political competitor.
