"John, our workers don't want to spend six months in a community college learning how to sell phone plans. They want jobs. Working on cars. Making steel. Feeding the world."
Shorter McCain: Obama says he believes X, but I say he believes Y. My friends, Y is really bad. Also, can you trust a man who says he believes X when he really believes Y. Try my product.
If anyone's interested, there's a reactions thread over at The Bellman. If I were you, I wouldn't comment there while people are still responding here.
cockamamie, shit!
Why do we have to spend more when government on the cheap has worked out so well for us, right New Orleans?
I thought Barack did well with the spending scalpel
What the fuck was the 'climate control'/'climate change' correction about??
d3 - righto
I think I saw this debate guy on a scooby doo episode on the stain
this is an ass-whipping, reminiscent of the Four Horseman kicking some wankers ass at War Games, 1985 style.
Can both of you please pretend that you don't understand how a world commodities market works for the sake of pandering to stupid voters?
45 new nuclear plants! I'm no green, but that freaks me the fuck out.
Barack Obama. Keepin' it real about energy independence.
The answer is yes!
btw - fwiw, Obama looks "presidential." McCain looks cranky.
Obama kicked ass there.
words, yes!
too bad mccain is so mocking
what? I thought he was from South America?
speaking of travels.... sarah palin?
I wish the Dems would hit back on job training.
"John, our workers don't want to spend six months in a community college learning how to sell phone plans. They want jobs. Working on cars. Making steel. Feeding the world."
That's what I want to hear.
Yah! Labor leaders in COlumbia.
Obama: "enforce unfair trade agreements"? Oops
Can we nationalize the Big 3? Gaaaaaaaaaah...
i think mccain is practicing his stare
Shorter McCain: Obama says he believes X, but I say he believes Y. My friends, Y is really bad. Also, can you trust a man who says he believes X when he really believes Y. Try my product.
dr - Boom!
Obama is pegging this answer on CNN. The whole time with women. Sometimes with men as well.
Community health centers????
Now who wants the government in health care?
The women hate Joe the plumber
I think Joe wants to see a fucking doctor, John.
"Joe the Plumber" is McCain's code for "Walton Family." You'll be fined, Wal-Mart!
off the subject, we stood in line for almost an hour yesterday to vote early in the atl
John's got something awesome to say...!
I thought the health care system was broken in this country. Now I realize all we need to do is put health records online and it will be fixed. Damn!
Obama: exactly right. Yawn.
Obama's rocking the simple math.
I think Obama's doodling.
What is McCain talking about? Did he even understand Obama's answer?
I think we might see some interviews with Joe soon.
Senator Government?!?
CNN voters hate McCain's health care plan.
"Senator Government"?
This is the Freudian slip campaign.
Poll bump coming this week for BHO.
(It's actually Senator America)
Joe, I want you to spend hour after hour searching the internet for cheap insurance and on the phone with unresponsive customer service.
DON'T get me started about electronic health records.
Did McCain just wink?
These voters who need the money are going to be traveling the country to make their picks?
Fucking FINALLY!!!
roe v wade...
Short answer. Judicial philosophy matters.
Not Breyer. Alito.
Wait. Never mind, wrong question. John got me all off track.
"Litmus test" is so 1992.
It's not a litmus test. But if they disagree with this one decision, they are automatically not qualified.
America likes Roe v. Wade. Who'da thunk?
I love John Sidney McCain III's pronunciation of the word "rather" as "RAW•thur". It's like a slap in the face to Dan Rather.
I will not appoint an acidic judge to the supreme court.
The Republicans have been trying to overturn it for over a decade without success
Is McCain going to talk to Joe?
Fuck, Obama. It doesn't matter if there is a god damn family or not. : (
McCain came out strong at first in this debate, but Obama has caught up, I think. How about you?
Equal pay for equal work = a trial lawyer's dream.
Ok. Good to know.
Ignore the legislative procedural stuff, please.
Ooh, here comes the baby killer attack!
I thought OBama did a great job on the abortion question.
wobs - good advice.
yeah, i love it when john mccain gets all anti-equal pay for equal work.
Teen fucking = "cavalier activity." I love it.
Obama is pegging it.
Shorter McCain on abortion - I know this is an impressive hole, but I think I'll keep digging.
"pro abortion"
Obama reaches across the aisle, McCain slaps it away.
More us bashing! Yay!
Hit the teacher's unions!
What the hell is "pegging it"? Does that mean his fucking McCain up the ass with a strapon?
teachers unions?
Teachers' unions!
Why is it always just a "young woman"? Why not the young mother and father?
ss: metaphorically, yes.
Sorry. CNN has a focus group tracker running real time.
Pegging is all the way up.
Math in the house!
Amen Evil R...
not the video games!
yes. no tv!
McCain: Unlike my opponent who supports charter schools, I support charter schools.
Hey, let's reward teachers with more salary, PLEASE.
So, being a POW not only qualifies you to be a president, you can also be a teacher.
the way to improve education is to have teachers that aren't certified?
McCain: An uncertified ex-soldier in every classroom!
I hope he asks them about the No Child Left Behind bullshit
Actually what we really need is more desks.
let's get radical and support alternative approached to education
Ouch! Bus!
I forget, how much are we supposed to drink when the candidates say "teacher's unions"?
When McCain was a POW, he didn't have any damn union!
they never say how they'll determine a teacher is bad. this usually equals more testing of young children
Honestly, I don't think either of them will help the public school system
The CNN crowd just flat out hates John McCain now.
Obama is just talking about progressive discipline. Just like in every union contract. In other words, nothing will change.
Fuck head start. Believe me.
Oh. My. God. Precious, special interest... I mean needs, children.
I didn't even know that Sarah Palin was autistic. Explains a lot, but now I feel like a total jerk.
drink a lot.
the aft = bho's sister souljah.
so much research is already being done. they're just ignoring it.
McCain's education plan. Vouchers and more money for autism research.
Heh. Heh. Heh. I'm John McCain. I'm an asshole.
Let's make all our children autistic!!
McCain has nice mandibles, baby
If it's good for McCain to take on the Republicans, then transitivity suggests that it would be bad for Obama to take on the Democrats. Just saying.
dr - I think I just peed my pants. Thank you.
he's blinking on every word (-lanier)
that was weird
did mccain just "good job" him?
If anyone's interested, there's a reactions thread over at The Bellman. If I were you, I wouldn't comment there while people are still responding here.
new thread?
I thought it was sweet that they finally touched.
Bellman? I'm there.
Me too.
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