But the hell with it. I am coming to you live from a blog called the prisonship where I have had the pleasure of prancing, volleying, voting and vaulting alongside a very intelligent cadre of unionists, anthropologists, rockers and Sewanee alums. Effective right now I have suspended the PrisonShip's candidacy so as to join this OG-blog's Voyage of Discovery.
I will be writing at you about electoral esoterica, ballot initiatives, redistribution in Latin America, crime novels, rock records, university life, etc. Oh, and "more."
Actually, we'll tread easy on that "university life." Next Februrary I will turn 30 years old as a student, which feels sort of like being a perpetual high school senior (albeit one who attends class). Today I am a prodigal son of the university, out on loan to the labor movement; but this August, I am returning to University so I might dissertate about anti-tax blah-blah-blah, rightist libidinal shit, 527s and the capitalist state.
I also look forward to blogging to you live from the Democratic National Convention in fabulous Denver, reviewing esoteric Trotskyist tendencies, and degenerating into impenetrable and unrewarding word-games from what occasionally seems like a place of earnest engagement. It is nice to join such an important collection of MotherEffers as you MotherEffers. And in a format so universally-respected as the weblog or "blog"?!?!?
More very soon, very soon, soon.
Pleased to (officially) make your acquaintance. I have navigated now and again over to the Prisonship (and, before that, boatzone2) and asked my comrades, "who is this Patrick character, anyway?"
I was with the GTFF back in the day, as a Stewardess, E-Bored member, Bargainer, and temporary Organizer. (Oh, and for a second I might have done a stint as President, but that was a fluke and highly forgettable.) Along the way I did some rabble-rousing with the AGEListas, got caught up in the drama of CGEU and, of course, spent many happy hours drinking, arguing, and causing trouble with the fine folks with whom I am now honored to share a blog. All of this was, of course, before your time. (If Dave is your Uncle, I would probably clock in at about a Great Aunt.)
When I'm not here I do a little writing over at Feminist, Ph.D., which is supposed to be about my new pseudo-academic position at a University women's center, but is mostly just a sporadically-updated collection of whiny rants about how I miss my old faculty position. Looking forward to sharing this little corner of the blogosphere with you, sir...
Rock. Star.
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