Tuesday, December 28, 2010

In Unfolding War on Public Employees, State Lawmakers and Media Likely to Do the Work Themselves | FDL News Desk

In Unfolding War on Public Employees, State Lawmakers and Media Likely to Do the Work Themselves | FDL News Desk
But I don’t think states or municipalities need much help from the federal government in their desire to rewrite public employee union contracts. There has been a concerted effort for years to demonize and delegitimize public employee unions, from both Republican pols and the media in general. This has left a distorted impression about greedy union contracts and well-paid government functionaries. So the new class of Republican governors would certainly want to capitalize on that by pleasing the public, who now favor things like wage freezes (which Obama just instituted at the federal level) and furloughs and bigger pension contributions, punishing those workers. And they are animated by a general hatred of unions, which have maintained their strength in the public sector while fading away in the private sector.


  1. Listening to NPR the other day and there was some story that lead the interviewee to recounting that hand-written manuscripts kept up production for about 300 years after the invention of the printing press, because it was still cheaper to have a shop of draftsmen hand-write a manuscript than to have one printed.

    The host of the show then quipped, "I bet the draftsman's union was the end of that." or some such shit and I just want to go through the radio and throttle that fucker.

    Of all of the very, very, very obvious reasons that printing overtook handwriting manuscripts, this fucker goes with the "workers priced themselves out of jobs with their greedy demands." Happens every fucking day, amirite?

  2. That's just what unions do.
    That just who unions are.
