Monday, December 21, 2009

Senate Late Night Postarama (or more likely snoozefest)

Not sure what I can add...anybody going to watch???
Why do Nelson(d-hahA) and Lieber (I-diot) get to have their demands met but not Sanders(S-ocialist) or Brown(D-oh)???

I say pass whatever you can in the senate, then nudge the thing left in conference...(if there is one...I have no knowledge of any precedent for forgoing conf. but have heard talk that they might "waive it")


  1. It seems that I agree with Russ.
    from huffpo:
    Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wisc.) formally announced on Sunday that he would support the Senate's final version of health care reform. But in doing so he cast blame for the loss of a public option for insurance coverage partially on the president's shoulders and urged House and Senate negotiators to re-insert the government-run plan back into the legislation during conference committee.

  2. Alright...Chris Dodd with a stirring endorsement for incrementalism...

  3. smackdown by reid....
    "don't know if anyone on the other side has a straight face"...

  4. bam..just like we can have some popcorn and such...see ya later.
