Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Topical, Advanced-Novice Political Science Question for EZ

Dear EZ,

Why is there so much more support for the public option in the House than there is in the Senate? Does it have to do with demography, geography, etc.?

School me. I'm kinda slow. Got any charts?


  1. Lex,

    It is kinda like what my diss. was about. The difference between at-large (Senate) and district (house) elections. Since we have single member winner take all first past the post(plurality req.) in almost all states, the senate requires a much larger vote total(to win) than the house. This ends up with a much broader and more middling coalition to win a senates seat. Also, as my diss. showed (albeit at the city level), the difference in the amount of money needed to be competitive, and the power of money to sway outcomes is larger in the At-large than in district races. Additionally, there is a rural urban split. The Progressives mostly come from urban and sub-urban areas, and can win the smaller, more homogeneous house seats. Some senators represent states with smaller populations than a house seat.
    That is why there are around 90 progressives in the house(about 20%) and only 2(maybe3) in the senate. This is also why there is so little black representation in the senate. Blacks do not make up a majority in any state. (add in historic rac(ial)(ist) white voting patterns and you have the US post-reconstruction with precisely 3 african americans serving in the senate since ruthefraud)

    this has been politics minute with EZ... you may now return to your regular townhall viewing...

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