Thursday, April 16, 2009

Lex and George Will in a tree

I see that George Will has come out strong and insanely against people wearing jeans. If memory serves, and believe me it does, George is also on record opposed to men wearing shorts. I believe this makes two - count 'em TWO! - fashion policies shared by George Will and our own Lex Dexter. If Will ever comes out against men wearing sandals, then Lex will have found his soul mate.

Oh, I know that Lex is going to protest that he is not against jeans, but rather than he can't find any to fit is scrawny ass, to which I retort that none of his other pants fit him either, so I'm not sure why jeans wouldn't make the cut.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Uh, I wear blue jeans plenty. NOT GUILTY!

    And any fool can tell you that my shorts policy has softened, a la des Etats Unis and Cuba.

  3. And black jeans. I used to be a real black jeans guy, but that only really works for playing in a band.

    I'll countenance the George Will comparison, though. We both think we're something other but we're ultimately just privileged liberals -- is that what you're getting at?

    Now go paint your toenails, princess. Slap a 'Why Be Normal?' button on your cargo shorts and we'll see who gets seated at Sizzler.

  4. Now, any fool knows I stopped wearing cargo shorts years ago and only did so because that's all the stores were selling. At least the stores I can afford to shop at.

    Privileged, maybe, but liberal no. Now get back to decorating your downtown condo. World Market is having a sale on ethnicy nick-knacks I know you don't want to miss.

  5. I'd also add that lex and Mr. Will both share a love for our national past time. And I think secretly, when he's home by himself, lex will also occasionally rock the bow-tie.

    I'm just sayin'.

  6. Awww shit! I have missed the witty OG repartee.

  7. I have pictures of Lex wearing blue jean shorts.

  8. brown beard, i think you have a moral obligation to share those photos.

  9. “Never has a single fabric done so little for so many. Denim is hot, uncomfortable and uniquely unsuited to people who spend most of their waking hours punching keys instead of cows. It looks bad on almost everyone who isn’t thin, yet has somehow made itself the unofficial uniform of the fattest people in the world.”

    from to the Wall Street Journal - 'Down With Denim':

    this has got to mean something in relation to the decline of the newspaper industry.

  10. also, though my profile picture is of the be-leather-jacketed and be-jeaned Ramones, I don't wear denim myself. corduroy, yes.
