Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Zombie islamofascist unionists!

While I have my (strong) disagreements with how SEIU runs its organization, I give full props to their media operation, which is top notch, and they've been producing some great pieces about the Employee Free Choice Act, like this one:


ash said...

Hey, it's wobs! Yay!

wobblie said...


ash said...

Here. On the OG. Because you haven't...oh, never mind. I was just happy to see your name is all.

wobblie said...

Love you, ash!

ash said...

I miss the days when we were all blogging regularly. Sigh...

lex dexter said...

"I miss the days when we were all blogging regularly. Sigh..."

Ash, it's dangerous to taunt yr fan base in this way.

ash said...

My fan base? Oh, you mean dave and wobs? Nah, they know I am not taunting them.