Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Myth making at its worst

The only explanation I can think of is that the pseudo-feminism running rampant has made men feel guilty about our very fiber so long we’ve conformed to a feminist mindset. A mindset whose subtext would ultimately be, “If you think men and women are different … you’re a sexist.” Gender is a “myth perpetuated by society,” they’d say. The worst part is that many women haven’t even realized they’re the ones who have most victimized by this very ideology.


  1. could someone weigh in and let me know if i should respond to this or let it go?

  2. is there a link this post refers to, or am i just completely lost? if only Dave3544 were here to see me confused by somebody else's post.

    and Ash, c''s always better when you respond to (insert absolutely anything).

  3. still getting used to the new lineup and the new personalities. can't read the level of irony and sarcasm in this one...

  4. lex,

    glad I can be here for you on things like this.

    there is a link at the end of the first sentence. took me awhile to find it as well, although I spent some time wondering why that one period was gray.

  5. I am groovin on the new dude....even though I can't make sense(milla)out of a freakin' word of it....

    not that it don't make sense...jist I can't make none...

    (sorry for the light(in all ways) posting lately...just finished a consulting project and my semester starts tomorrow)

  6. Like Ash, I don't have a feel for solidcitizen's irony. Not that I'm complaining. Hell, she (he?) uses capital letters, which is enough to get me to take her (it?) seriously.

    But, just for fun, let's rehearse why that quote (fuck the column) is wrong.

    Here's a start. Take the implied claim: 'men and women are different'

    Assuming that by 'men' we mean human animals with a penis and 'women' to mean human animals which lack a penis, and that we ignore problem cases (e.g., intersex persons, post-transition transgendered persons who forgo bottom surgery), then it is obviously true that men and women are different. For example, men have cocks and women don't. That's a difference.

    So fucking what?

    The question that feminism brought to the fore was: do the differences between men and women justify unequal treatment?

    Which brings us to the second implied claim. Namely, that feminism, by insisting on equal treatment, has harmed women. I'll leave that one for Ash.

  7. Had I known the schtick would involve hiding hyperlinks in punctuation marks, I would've had second thoughts about bringing sc on board.

  8. Sigh...I suppose I will allow myself to get sucked into this and weigh in with the obligatory "dame's perspective." (And I will do so using capital letters so dr will take me seriously.) Any of you "metros" out there are more than welcome to join me, as we seem to be part of the same cabal responsible for the "attack on the masculine figure."

    In the face of Steven Crowder's devastating critique, I feel compelled to come clean. Feminists are responsible for creating the metrosexual. It's true. You may have seen Simone de Beauvoir invoked in the comments; it is a little-known fact that she ghost-authored the Metrosexual Guide to Style. I'm not sure how Silver~Guy found out, but a sleeper cell of fitness tarts have been mobilized and will take him out before this comment is posted. You would be forgiven for thinking that the metrosexual--and "girl power"--were nothing more than media creations designed to produce harmless, heavily-commodified identities for men and women. It is not a widely known fact that feminists control the media. I know, I know: you, like Steven Crowder, thought it was the left that controlled the media. But we acquired the left in a hostile takeover in 1986. MySpace? We control that as well. We also own Axe body spray and a controlling interest in Abercrombie. It's all part of our mission to make men (or should I say, "men" bwah haha!) feel guilty about their very fiber.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some acts of public trampiness to perform. All hail our feminist overlords, er dames!

  9. All well and good, but I think we can all agree that Mr. Crowder's rant is less about coming to grips with feminism and hegemonic masculinities and more about how dark and scary his closet is. Because really, jumping from interacting with a "fitness tart" in a "revealing tank-top" to reveling in the by-gone days of manly-men pumping iron and kicking ass kinda screams "repressed!", no?

  10. I love how one of the commenters complains that American men are looking to Europeans for guidance. We are all James Bond when we should be more like Rambo.

    Jeebus, James Bond as metro girly-man. If I've got to be more badass than JB, then I don't know what the eff I'm going to do.

  11. Dave--I know! That shocked me, too!
