Monday, January 26, 2009

White House Briefing Live-Blogo Open Thread

Let's see what gives with the Gibbs era, chaps and lady-chaps. Here comes the two minute warning. I can hear Chris Cillizza hooting from here.


  1. i like how Chuck Todd has front-row seating.

    i like Rahm's perma-smirk and overall 'i'm gonna cut your balls off' vibe, just so long as he's son our side.

  2. hey, Mitchell and Hillary and and BHO conferring about le Middle East today.

    okay, "direct diplomacy" avec Iran et. al. 2009, mother-effers!

  3. "China is a big player in the world economy," huh?

    Gibbs answers questions like Obama. I guess that's not a shock.

  4. So we're gonna be calling the stimulus a "Recovery and Reinvestment Plan"?

  5. 'looking forward to BHO's forthcoming court-packing antics.

  6. i think the entire "injecting capital into banks" method has been shown to be horseshit.

    even worse is the haphazard merging of flailing banks, which does little but kick the proverbial can down the proverbial road.

    oh wait, that can's not proverbial! it's a bomb-can!

  7. cillizza: CAFE standards...this is cable TV ratings gold. (NOT).

  8. is there a new detroit thing-y coming soon, or is Gibbs just running out the clock with 2011 car-talk?

  9. sssssssuuuuuuuhhhhhhnnnnnooooooozze.

    'need grievances to organize before i can find the pears to dive for in this neutral, neutral rorschach-lake.

  10. gibbs on monetary policy: 'we've fired all the bullets in that gun.'

    no shit, sherlock.
