Thursday, January 22, 2009

This might explain Wobs' experience...

According to McClatchy: Porta-potties went largely unused
WASHINGTON — Among other things, the inauguration of President Barack Obama was "the largest temporary toilet event in the history of the United States," an official of Don's Johns, the firm that provided most of them, said Wednesday.

Here's the mystery, however: Did it have to be? According to Conrad Harrell, vice president of Don's Johns in Chantilly, Va., most portables were about a quarter full Wednesday morning. Harrell had thought they'd be half full, as they are after most events.

Adam Carter, the operations manager for Alpine Portable Restrooms of Round Hill, Va., was puzzled, too. He said Wednesday that he'd "found whole rolls of unused toilet paper in some."

Here are the possibilities: The planners overestimated demand. The crowd was so dense that people couldn't get to them.

I heard Jesse Jackson, and other bigwigs were unable to even make it to their VIP seats...makes ya wanna break down and cryyyyy.....(although it is actually sad that Jesse was unable to see the event live)

1 comment:

  1. Alternate explanation - it was too fucking cold to relieve one's self in the flimsy shelter provided by a Johnny-on-the-Spot.
