Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Headline: Heavy coffee drinkers 'more likely to hallucinate

Drinking my morning cup a joe, I was perusing the star trib, looking for new tidbits on the Franken/Coleman contest, and I saw this article:
Heavy coffee drinkers are more likely to have hallucinations or feel "the presence of dead people," according to new research.

A UK-based study quizzed 200 students on their caffeine intake and found those with the highest consumption were also more prone to report seeing, or hearing, things that were not there.

I didn't find anything new on Franken...but I am fairly confident that he has won and will be seated, but I could be hallucinating...


  1. Did we say coffee? We meant "acid."

  2. we need more acid content on the OG now that the active roster is made up exclusively of deadheads.

  3. Could OG please endorse purple drank as its choice of a new generation. New Yorker Mag declared it the liquid symbol of the recession. Until then, bring on the "special" coffee.

  4. Endorsements of all things crunk are the bailiwick of GBOR. I will, however, heartily endorse Mad Dog 20/20's kiwi lime fortified wine. That shit'll make you see through space-time. Or blind. Whatever.

  5. Chalk up another point for jamoke.

  6. Um, surveying 200 students doesn't exactly equal a study, does it? I prefer energy patches to coffee nowadays, but never, even during my longest all-nighters, did I see anything because of lots of coffee.

  7. My experience is that caffeine from coffee or even energy drinks can cause hallucinations. The reason is obviously massive spikes in the caffeine dose being delivered to the body. I recently discovered a patch that gives a sustained dose without the spikes - Perhaps this can help someone that is susceptible to caffeine side-effects.
