Wednesday, December 3, 2008


from huffpo:
An aide to Barack Obama reaffirmed the President-elect's support for the labor movement's chief legislative priority in a one-word statement issued to the Huffington Post on late Tuesday.

Asked if Obama's support for the Employee Free Choice Act remained as strong as his public proclamations suggested on the campaign trail, transition spokesman Dan Pfeiffer responded, succinctly, "Yes."

Now I don't know about you but I find that response to be squirrely....couldn't his "support"..."remain as strong", but the circumstances still dictate that it will not be possible????

Maybe I am just paranoid, and tired of being constantly lied to by the current admin...


  1. If "yes" is squirrelly, what would a non-squirrelly answer look like?

  2. my guess is that it would look something like this:

    Asked if Obama's support for the Employee Free Choice Act remained as strong as his public proclamations suggested on the campaign trail, transition spokesman Dan Pfeiffer responded, "you bet your ass we will make EFCA law, and the president elect will pressure congress and use the considerable power of his office to get it on his desk asap."

    I did say that I might just be could have just confirmed my self-diagnosis...

  3. i saw this.

    hopefully the 20th century has made doubting Thomases out of all of us in the old labor movement. as for EFCA, i'll believe it when i bleeping see it. and not until then.

  4. By "the current admin" you mean...?

  5. "the current administration" is george frackin' boooosh and his sycophantic henchthings.....
