Friday, December 5, 2008

House-Rocking House Financial Services/Bailout Open Thread 2

[I'm going to try to keep the Bob Corker (R-TN) references a bit toned down today, seeing as how we're in the House. At least my man Barney Frank (D-MA) always seems to calm me down. To me he'll always be "the balm."]


  1. From the Ron Gettelfinger wiki:

    "He started his union involvement in 1964 in Louisville, Kentucky at the Louisville Assembly plant run by Ford Motor Company. He was elected president of local union 862 in 1984. In 1987, he became a member of the Ford-UAW bargaining committee. Afterwards, he held other positions director of UAW Region 3 and the UAW chaplaincy program."

  2. Ford Guy - and as some ofyou know I've a built-in penchant for Ford Guy - keeps talking about his "Laser Focus" on this and that necessary change in the business model.

    I am inferring this means I'll be able to soon outfit my (Toreador Red) Ford Focus into Laser Mode so soon as is feasible.

  3. OOh, Gwen Moore (D-WI) just asked why the eff the Big 3 aren't asking for national healthcare as part of their bailout plan... not crap.

  4. Over GM guy's shoulder we've got an Asian(-American?) man with really severely-framed eyeglasses, and a woman with tanning-bed skin. How can I not miss NJ when presented with such a person-vista?

  5. Up and at-em.....
    US cars suck.... can they convince us otherwise?
    reliable and durable as crap...

  6. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX):

    "Can you name 3 industries in America that AREN'T hurting, that COULDN'T use $34 billion...If we say 'yes' to you, who do we say know to?"

    Now we're getting a populist, anecdotal glimpse into his constituency. They're small businesses, you see.

    And if small businesses provide 3 out of 4 jobs in this country, why are the BIG 3 getting this bread? Why isn't it going to small businesses?

    Thank goodness we've got CHRYSLER GUY to step up to the plate on this one.

  7. Is Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) the new Bob Corker (R-TN)?

  8. I hate when some unknown congressman tells the tale of how some proposal will impact his tin district, and the small bus. in his district. can anybody make decisions without a f'in prsonal stake in the outcome????
    ( I am looking at you Jeb Hensarling)

  9. Barney Frank has thankfully shut that Jeb-douche down.

  10. EZ,
    You realize that if we keep losing contributors at this month's rate, this thing may come down to you and I live-blogging Yreka Soil Board meetings?

  11. Two or three of these House Democrats have asked really impressive questions about different kinds of offshoring (of jobs AND capital). It's way more in depth than anything we got from any Senator, and way more plainly Left than anything we got from anybody but Sharrod Brown.

    Now this dude Bill Foster (D-IL) is getting way into the weeds about batteries.

  12. Ooh, I love me my Republicans from NJ!

    Hello, Scott Garrett (R-NJ)!

  13. Garrett standing up for "state's rights" to give car dealers perpetual license to ripoff the suppliers.

  14. Lex I agree that this hearing has been more interesting so far than the entire senate run yesterday

  15. I loves me a good soil board meeting...topsoil and such... I will post the upcoming schedule and let the fireworks/earthworks begin....

  16. Ooh! Ginny Brown-Waite (R-FL) is raising Sen. Bob Corker's (D-TN) point about why Chrysler Guy can't get their private equity people to provide liquidity. Why aren't the bailed-out banks injecting liquidity into the mortgage sector? Because they don't want to.

    We know that private investment is down in every way, in every sector of the effing economy. That's how we know we need STIMULUS. That's why we gave $700 billion to the banks. It's why we need to give a bridge loan to Detroit.

  17. I was hoping Barney was going to interject frequently.... bingo!

  18. "let the fireworks/earthworks begin"

  19. Barney is putting Ron G. in a tough spot: will the UAW give up billions in bargained health care gains if the US Congress/BHO gives Americans national health care?

  20. What if we made the big 3 give US taxpayers discounts on new car purchases as a partial payback of any loan.... would help them with inventory, and give the taxpayer a direct payback....just brainstorming....don't mind me....

  21. "Reducing the nexus between employment and health care is good economic policy, it's good social policy." - Barney Frank.

  22. "Driving around my district/
    Talking to my folks..."
    - Gresham Barrett (R-SC)

    "You Guys are the bestest and the brightest." - GB

  23. this fuck's a tough follow-up to Barney Frank.

  24. Has Chrysler Guy regained his swagger a little bit, or is it just me?

    Ooh! Gresham Barrett just cut him off.

  25. Ah, Paul Kanjorski (D-PA) is revisiting the Private Equity meme.

    "I thought Senator Corker was EXCELLENT," he just said.

    Kanjorski just said "haircuts."


  26. Kanjorski love him some Corker! mmmm haircuts....

  27. This guy Kanjorski is off the chain!

    He's praising the uaw AND bob corker!


  29. I think you and I should put together a pitch to Bob Corker for a 2012 GOP Presidential Run. (We can take our "straw man" strategies and piece together an innovative Conservative Populist campaign.)

    Watch out, Sarah. Back off, Mitt. We're about to "Pop a Cork" on y'all.

  30. "If you think health care is expensive now, just wait until it's free."

    - Rep. Tom Price (R-Georgia), quoting P.J. O'Rourke.

    (i dunno about you, but i don't have too much faith in the reading lists of these people.)

  31. i wanna hand out Pepsi enemas whenever the Rs bring up "the jobs bank."

  32. btw,
    Severe Eyeglasses and Tanningbed Skin are still totally holding it down behind GM Guy.

  33. The actual big 3 ceos are almost background noise....they don't ever say anything....and the reps just preen and posture

  34. EZ,
    Is the House session so much more sophisticated simply because they get to go second, and benefit from the Senate's getting the boring questions out of the way?

    Or is it that the House "houses" a wider spectrum of ideological dispositions?

  35. It would be cool if no elected officials were allowed to use the term "small business" for an entire legislative session.

  36. over-tan woman blinks a lot...not sure who she is signaling...

  37. FORD GUY's haircut reminds me of the Monks who preyed on me in Prep School.

  38. I've been wondering about Over-tan's signal-partner, too.

  39. Lex The house is more poppin because of the wider spectrum of partisans than the more conservative senate(because of having to run statewide races), and the senate's long tradition of being a snoozefest...notice that Frank shuts down Reps and lets Dems ramble a bit, and he jumps in whenever he wants....The house rules let the committee chair have a lot more power over the agenda....

  40. I have got the Simpson sentencing on the other screen....probably more people live blogging that trainwreck rather than watching this carcrash....who knows??? Simpson hasn't got the ratings this time around. No bloody glove if you will...

  41. This bit about the lawsuits - as mentioned by Barney and Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) - is interesting.

  42. Wow, OJ. Is he looking at serious time?

  43. A good q would be how much are they spending fighting the standards in state courts and agencies??? lobbying and amicus briefing and such.

  44. OJ facing at least 6 years to life. His lawyer this time around is a complete hack (shows what $$$$$$$$$$$$ can buy)

  45. (i will be taking a brief timeout) back asap.

  46. oh, wait.... Back to GM Guy, which means back to Severe Eyeglasses.

  47. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) is going on a long rant about her background with Chryslers.

    Then Barney made an "everybody knows I'm gay" remark, and the crowd roared.

  48. Maybe Over tan woman was signalling to Over tan Mel Watt from Greensboro...Tan woman just nodded during Wagonman's remarks

  49. Okay,
    Mel Watt (D-NC) is going way off the rails about his local radio personalities.

  50. Damn....Mel Watt is black ...I obviously don't know what the f I am talking about....I will jsut shut up now....

  51. When Ron G. talks about "our membership," I feel like he's a bleepin' freemason.

    And Mel Watt can't quit talking about Al and Stacy.

  52. EZ,
    I was wondering if you were on to the whole "Mel Watt being a person of color" thing.

  53. Wait a second, when Thaddeus McCotter (R-MI) calls his proposal "Solomonic," am I right to infer that he's invoking (the reign of) King Solomon?

  54. obviously not.... I will try to be more on top of those things we like to call "facts" apologies dear reader(s)

  55. the panel is dismissed by Barney. he is banging the crap out of the gavel.

    "You can do your socializing outside."

  56. (time-out for panel change.)

    Barney is telling people to sit the crap down. Gavel.

    "Someone is holding the door open there...Sir, in or out!"

  57. Panel Deux---->
    Is it true that Paulson was asked to appear and he refused and rather stayed in China, meeting with our true overseers????

  58. Dodaro (comptroller gen.): must have exit strategy....
    where was this guy before the Iraq war?

  59. alright, i'm out for the next hour. this has been a real treat.

  60. Later lex....

    We will continue live blogging any apocalyptic events in the future... so stay tuned...

    EZ out....

  61. We were sorry that Dave was missing....

  62. Maxine Waters:Plans fail to give us their plans

    now asking about minority-owned dealerships and how they are the first to have their credit dry up....

  63. Al green (D-TX): Nobody grilled AIG like this before..... King's The paralysis of Analysis....
    we must the interest of the people.

  64. Speaking of soil, did you know that Kansas is the only state with an official state soil?
