Monday, December 8, 2008

God's Love

allow yrself the 78 seconds it takes to see this, at some point. (this goes extra specially for you non-cable-television types.)

don't let this luscious, creepy little riblet pass you by. (the 30 second ad embedded herein aired during rachel maddow just now!)

i sincerely hope television advertising and "small business" continue in this zesty and/or fervent new direction. you?


  1. Some kind of druggy virus infecting the populus and turning them into giddy zombies.

  2. i hope a ray of those little shits hits me in the heart when i walk outside today. i could sure use just a little more of God's love in this violent world, dadgummit.

  3. In the not-so-distant future, it seems far more likely that we'll actually need some kind of energy cell (courtesy of Interstate Batteries) implanted in our bodies to keep-on-keepin-on - God's Love won't stand a chance when I get my supercharged battery pack...the prospect of which is the only thing that's really keepin' me going at this point. CYBORGS UNITE!

  4. Dear God,
    I saw your interstate battery commercial today. Great job.
    As a sign of goodwill, would you use your superpowers to arrange a meeting between me and the guy that did that jingle?
    This is my prayer.

    "Love" (!)

  5. This is precisely how you get syphillis.

  6. to Juan Blanco's point re: syph:

    overheard at the big boxing party last Sat:

    "I get MY venereal diseases from the way I like to do COCAINE." - (unattributed source).

  7. Well at least he doesn't get his VD from how he cuts his cocaine ..... I mean its one thing to use bleach, NERDS, or cinnamon toast crunch, but seriously how many people out there are snorting GWarts? I smell fundraiser ......

  8. isn't david lynch involved in this project somehow?

  9. kevin,

    are we talking about the Battery/God project or the Cocaine/Venereal Disease project? and how come your wife (let alone child) don't comment on this blog? prolly because we talk about cocaine/venereal disease projects, right?

    ('the good thing about your New ("gun") direction, at least, is that i don't have to worry about you succumbing to Transcendental Meditation or anything else of that Lynchian sort.)

    come to think of it, a lotta the people on this thread know their way around a gun. a higher proportion than usual, in fact.

  10. I find us dug in on my thread about God Batteries and can't help but wonder, is this who's left after Dave "shot his wad" (gun pun!) about Dixie and split the blog? There's EZ, some Midwestern lurkers - and let's not forget our Irish/emo comrade Gabba - but otherwise I think it's just "you" and "me," y'all.

    I can hear the murmurs in the corridors of Blog University now:

    "Yeah, Dave/Wobs/Ash left, and it turned into a big 'guns and god' blog."

    All power to the survivors of the purge/all power to the soviets/ etc.

    (This is what it reads like when blogs cry.)

  11. it's hard to follow the behind the scenes gossip on the OG; but i realized something was amiss when the GBOR suddenly made a surprise comeback. can you direct me to the offending post? and, more importantly, where did brother goff and the rest of the 3544 posse land? is the prisonship coming back, too?

  12. no no, i'm still lurking, only to come out when baited by discussions of god's love gun.

  13. ha, is that David from TN (aka Shellfish) above. if so, i wasn't referring to you as a wad-shooter (different dave, dave3544 who stopped writing here.)

    but sure, you flung some goop, too. 'glad to have you lurking. watch out for God, or you'll end up covered in goop.

  14. Phew - for a second there km, I thought you were advocating siccing some cops on our PCP-addled asses.
