Monday, November 17, 2008

State of Hillary

I wonder what you all think about this.... crap? not crap?

as for EZ.....

not crap...


  1. I says "crap" for three reasons, but none of them have to do with Hillary's qualifications or my disagreements with her foreign policy views (in spite of my disagreements, I think she would be an asset to the Obama as SoS). That said...

    "Crap" to the Guardian article, which I think is giving to much credence to a lot of speculation. That's not to say there's no merit to the speculation, but the article is a little too declarative at this time.

    "Crap" because, as your tag puts it, Bill will fuck it up. His foundation work - and the fact that he's a former president - bring him into too much contact with foreign leaders, and this exposes Hillary (and Obama) to conflict of interest charges.

    "Crap" because I think Hillary would be an outstanding asset in the Senate in helping push through a progressive agenda. She could be in a prominent leadership position in two years.

  2. Crap in that I'd prefer Hillary to be in the Senate in a very strong leadership role. I'm looking at you Mr. Reid.

    Not crap in that she'd do a fine job and there actually seems to be some enthusiasm for this appointment, unlike some (or all) others we could name.

  3. not crap, leaving aside the Bill question.

    tho the Bill question cannot really be left aside.
