Monday, October 27, 2008

We're Screwed

An article at American Thinker tell us that the MSM wants us to believe that Obama is going to win, but it is not true. From the article and the comments the signs/reasons McCain is going to win this thing. And no, I am not making these up.
  • PUMAs -- Pollsters have not taken them into account
  • Lack of Obama buttons in evidence on West Side of NYC
  • Lack of Obama lawn signs in upstate NY
  • 30% of the electorate is undecided, but the MSM will never tell you that
  • McCain's strategy is to wait until Friday and place campaign workers across the country in venues where young voters are like to be--pep rallies, frat houses, campuses, football games, and pubs, etc.
  • 18% of Hillary voters won't vote for Obama
  • Blacks won't admit to pollsters that they are planning to vote for McCain
  • Comments about the article on American Thinker running 5 to 1 against Obama
  • Obama has 90% of the black vote sown up. He has the pointy-headed, Marxist, Michael Moore, academic vote (hey that's us!) sown up, but this accounts for only 4% of the population. The rest of the Democrats are up for grabs and are feeling very uneasy about Obama
  • Divine intervention
  • People are scared to tell pollsters how they are really going to vote because they fear "Obamanistas" getting their face.
  • Pollsters hang up is you start to say you are going to vote for McCain
  • Obama has never been ahead in the AOL online poll
  • Elderly voters in Florida know that McCain loves America and will fight for the American people
  • Republicans are telling Republican GOTV walkers that they support McCain
  • In South Jersey there is less enthusiasm for Obama than there was for Kerry
  • Lack of Obama yard signs in the suburbs of Chicago
  • A remember poll from long-ago suggests that 20% of Democrats won't vote for Obama...Rush is citing it!
  • "Grassroots" bloggers tell a different story from the MSM!
  • Lack of Obama signs in LA
  • Obama will lose OH, thanks to Joe the Plumber. The MSM wants you to think he has a chance in VA, but he does not. He will lose, PA. May not hang on to MD.
  • Lack of Obama signs in South Florida
  • People won't admit to supporting McCain because they are afraid of being labeled a racist
  • People will have a last minute change of mind and vote McCain
  • There is something deep down inside of everyone that wants to do right and good and at the last minute Obama supporters and even donors (!) will realize they just can't vote for him and vote McCain
  • Lack of Obama signs in Seattle
  • Lack of Obama signs in Silicon Valley
  • The kids can't possibly be "inspired" by the nothing that is Obama
  • Lack of Obama signs in DC
  • Obama fad set to end on November 3
  • Rain
  • Obama too leftist
  • Lack of Obama signs in Texas


  1. OMG. You weren't making this up. I like that Kevin "Coach" Collins is cited approvingly as a go-to guy for this sort of information.

  2. Based on the "lack of yard signs" argument, it would seem that my entire neighborhood (probably the bluest neighborhood in the bluest city in NC) suddenly became McCain supporters Friday night/Saturday morning. That totally makes more sense than the prevailing theory on the neighborhood listserv, which is that someone stole them all.
