Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Pre-Warning Warning

Don't forget to join us for some hot, hot debate commenting on this very blog. Tonight.


  1. I'm a little worried about this evening's festivities.

    There was that one Republican debate - at the Reagan Library, maybe? - in which Romney and McCain got really ugly. McCain was a "devious one" a la Mr. Fuji.

    And then there's Barry. It's nice to hear commentators talk up how easily he'll be able to "pivot to the economy" whenever Rev. Wright gets mentioned, but for my money, Barry has yet to really CONNECT with people re: the economy... he better "bring" it this evening.

  2. I disagree in that I don't really see tonight having that much of an impact, unless BHO screws it up.

    The wingnuts are desperately trying to convince themselves that once people hear about Bill Ayers, they will be stunned and run away from this man they do not really know.

    I have to believe that the Obama people are fully prepared for a Bill Ayers attack, wither countering with the Keating 5 or pointing to the economy as something that Americans really care about. i don't think people are going to be voting based on who loves America more.

    Am hoping, however, that maybe Todd's secessionist ways get a mention.

    Lastly, if McCain was being nice in the last debate and was roundly criticized for coming off as cranky and rude, then how is "going on the attack" going to help him?

  3. I'm not worried either about tonight's debate. The pressure's on McCain.

    BTW - members of McCain's own party are undercutting him on Ayers.
