Monday, October 13, 2008

Oh Jonah, How Can You Be So Wrong Being So Right?

I agree whole-heartedly with Jonah Goldberg.
The real hints for how to choose a candidate, at least in a general election (as opposed to a primary), reside in the realm of judgment, philosophy, track record and temperament. And, using those criteria, the choice shouldn’t be hard at all.
Only one candidate had the judgment to know that invading Iraq would be a terrible mistake. The other candidate predicted it would be over quickly and we'd be greeted as liberators with candy and flowers.

Only one candidate believes that government can be a force for good, protecting people from the worst excess of our capitalist system. The other candidate believes that government is always bad and the free market can solve all problems (the "how" is left unstated).

Only one candidate has a track record he is willing to stand by when he runs for office. The other candidate has come back into the fold when power is on the line.

Only one candidate is cool, calm, and collected. The other candidate is a cranky old man who looks in need of a good nap much of the time.

See, the choice shouldn't be too hard at all.

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