Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Poll - Best Album of 1984

Public Enemy once famously asked "Who gives a fuck about a goddamn Grammy?" Well, I'd venture to reckon that the nominees for 1984 Album of the Year did.

At the side you'll find a poll asking you to choose the best album of 1984 as nominated by Grammy voters and the purchasers of record albums that fine year.

I don't want to influence your votes, but it will be interesting to see if any Culture Clubbers are reading the OG these days.

Also, because we have so many choices, definitely feel free to vote early and often.


  1. it seems OG readers and i are gonna have to agree to disagree on this one.

  2. Or you'll just have to admit that you're clearly wrong ;-)

  3. You voted for Private Dancer, Lex?

  4. Whoever voted for Tina needs to explain their vote in light of her cover of Help! which can only be described using the word abomination.

  5. minx!

    do you know who authored the title cut from Private Dancer?

    mark knopfler.

  6. I'd like to hear his version.

  7. one thing is for sure, R+B:
    knopfler's version would have weird, austere flamenco licks in it.
