Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Lilith Was Right


This is not an easy time to be conservative. In 6 days we might wake up to read that Barack Obama and liberal Democrats have seized total control of Washington.

Take it from me. For 20 years, I played Dr. Frasier Crane on TV, and it is not easy being openly Republican in a Democrat town like Hollywood. But even when the odds are against us, we must never stop fighting for this country.

Will you help stop liberals from seizing total control of our government?

Barack Obama and his liberal allies claim to support the working man. They want us to think they are all Joe and Jane Six Packs. But we all know -- that when they think no one is listening -- the liberal elite arrogantly snicker about the unwashed masses in fly-over country and suburbia.

They ridicule Sarah Palin...they laugh at Joe the Plumber...and they condescendingly refer to middle-class Americans as "bitter."

Will you help stop the liberal agenda?

America doesn't want Barack Obama and a rubberstamp liberal Senate to "spread the wealth around."

Regular people get it. The liberal agenda of bone-crushing tax hikes and out-of-control spending in the middle of an economic crisis is a disaster waiting to happen.

Will you join me in taking a stand against Barack Obama and the liberal agenda?

The 2008 election is one of the most important we'll ever live through.

With just 6 days until Election Day, time is running out to protect the firewall. So, we must move fast. Please contribute at least $30 today.

For all of us, there comes a time when the choices are so stark, the risks so great, that we have to take a stand.

Sincerely yours,


P.S. If you have contributed before, please do so again. A donation of $30 from you will make the difference between winning and losing in 1 or 2 key Senate races.


  1. Okay. I know that I'm married to the political scientist, and am so not the expert in the house, but correct me if I'm wrong...

    Didn't the conservatives contribute to the current economic climate by their ridiculous deficit spending the past 8 years and their refusal to support regulation of lending institutions?

    And now they want to say the libs are driving us deeper into a recession with their "socialist spending," a recession the cons are basically responsible for in the first place???

    I am just SO confused.

    Oh, and BTW, it was nice to know that Kelsey Grammar is a douche-bag in real life, too. And how hilarious that he accuses the "liberal elites" of snickering at the masses.

    From his Hollywood mansion.

    *smacks forehead*

    And how did you get on good ol' Kelsey's mailing list?!

  2. oh stevie, you need to get on some right-wing mailing lists. you need a dummy e-mail account first, because they send you a lot of shit, but getting wingnut e-mail is as simple as going to

  3. I want to hear Kelsey Grammar read that line about liberal elites out loud.

  4. As soon as the right wing nuts and the left wing realise capitalism cant be reformed in any meaningfull and lasting way yhr better.In fact the sooner people realise that socialism/communism is a classles ,moneyless, democratic, society with no need for nation staates or leaders the better .Instead of scaremongering with bastard state capitalist versions of capitalism and missnaming them socialist/communist They should visit teh World Socialist Movement site for themselves.
    Gosh they even tell in simple language,"What is Socialism?",
    "What is capitalism",
    The fiends tha tthey are.

  5. hmmm ....

    violating parole
    statutory rape
    Betty Ford Clinic
    sex tapes?

    How bout I just pay you $30 Kelsey and have you tell us all a nice exciting story. deal sporto?

  6. Kelsey Grammar? Really? I didn't even know he was allowed to vote. I thought he was British or something. I mean, how could you not? What with all the astute-yet-foppish "je nes sais pas" dandyism his bandying about. Well, at least for me, Kelsey Grammar is a British actor (and therefore, irrelevant). Go suck on a spotted dick, Kelsey!
