Wednesday, October 15, 2008


As we count down the hours to tonight's live-blogging debate extravaganza, we might as well speculate as to what dramatic game-changing moment will occur that will shift the momentum back in McPalin's favor. My guess? McCain challenges Obama to a mano-à-mano brawl that ultimately backfires for a literal hit below the belt.


  1. i'm just hoping for one or two more really "erratic" McCain moments.

    i bet we're gonna hear about Ayers and EFCA but NOT wright and Acorn.

    i bet we're gonna hear more about McCain's mortgage bailout, to the tune of Obama battering the Maverick over the head with it. ALSO, we BETTER hear about mccain's plan to make employer-based health care part of individuals' taxable income. if the conversation goes the right way, we should be in solid shape coming outta this dog.

  2. Barack announces that he has joined the Nation of Islam, changed his name to Mohammad Hussien Obama X, and that he would immediately withdraw all troops out of Iraq because no Iraqi ever called him nigger.

    Naw, I don't even think that would do it at this point.

  3. How's this. McCain comes in, says he's negotiated with the Congressional leadership an absolutely brilliant plan to jump-start the economy, and then goes into great detail about the specifics of the plan.

    Or... he soldiers through the debate, but afterwards his doctors announce that McCain persevered through a heart attack and a stroke, showing his gumption, his steely resolve, and his love of country, not to mention demonstrating that his superhuman body actually grows stronger when faced with these sorts of "challenges."
