Monday, September 22, 2008

Prove Me Wrong...Good On You!

'Gotta hand it to Chris Dodd....'even Doug Henwood (sur le LBO listserve) gave the plan a "looks not too bad."

Between this and the FISA filibuster, if Dodd actually passes this thing as is - which I will believe only when I hold a copy of the bill in my shaky, shocked hands - I'm gonna send him a twelve of pabsts and mebbe even one or two of my rare-er seven-inches.

(ex post facto editorial addition: Krugman concurs, calculated risk hails it as a positive step and reports that CNBC reports Paulson has agreed to the bit about government taking equity in the bailed out banks.)


  1. and send 'em a page from the Legendary Pegasus.

  2. evil r + b,

    i'll send him the chapter from the Pete + Luther novel in which a bunch of their lesser-known friends appear and a series of events happen.


    links've been added.

  3. If you really did that, I suppose it will be one of the more unusual letters he's ever received from a supporter.
