Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Post-speech thread

Keep going.


  1. On the old thread, cps asked if I could see her as veep. The answer is no, but I couldn't see W. as prez, either.

  2. McCain swoops in to try to bask in the glow.

  3. But cps, this will kill the :she's not up to it!" angle in the press, so now it will be "she's awesome!" and is oging to single-fottedly kick Obama's ass.

  4. Part of the problem with her will be that a significant portion of the country thinks the VP is just there to bake the President cookies.

  5. It just goes to show that when you don't screen for all the things that normally disqualify a candidate, America is rich in political talent.

  6. Why is Levi on stage and Cindy in the stands?

  7. Body-language watch: Neither Bristol nor Levi seem thrilled with McCain.

  8. Seriously, though. Palin is set to inherit Cheney's office. Doesn't that scare you a little bit?

    The VP isn't what it used to be, and she is a serious operator.

  9. Olberman: "For people who like this kind of thing, this is the kind of thing they like."

  10. I actually think she seems uncomfortable with McCain.

  11. Wolf Blitzer: She hit it out of the park

  12. And of course Chris Matthews goes right where I said he would -- "she is a torpedo aimed right at Barack and Michelle Obama!"

  13. I'm sure we just witnessed the highlight of the convention.

  14. CNN can't get enough of the kids.

  15. She gave a fine speech saying absolutely nothing about her politics.

  16. CNN: She's so great! I want to fuck her brains out! Wait, everybody stop and stand for the the bizarre combination of the pledge of allegiance and the national anthem!!!!!

  17. Nice way to preempt the commentary - look patriotic, liberal press! Or else.

  18. Again, all she had to do was "look (vice) presidential."

  19. Jesus, Wolf. You're making us listen to this crap before going on with your "analysis"?

  20. I'm gone..thanks for letting me get queasy with all of you.

  21. That's because MSNBC hates America.

  22. Skirts and fuck me boots! She puts the vice back in vice president!

  23. Jason is a strong contender for comment of the night with that one.

  24. yes, I got to turn this off because I can't stand to watch Republicans gloat.

  25. The CW is that the VP doesn't matter, that the choice is about the top of the ticket. I think that's wrong, at least this year.

    To begin with, Cheney. He is deeply unpopular, and widely believed to be the power behind the throne. Probably nobody much thinks that Palin will pull McCain's strings, but McCain's age means that she readily inherits Cheney's prominence.

    Second, Palin. (see previous thread, various external sources)

  26. Obama campaign's response: The speech that Governor Palin gave was well delivered, but it was written by George Bush's speechwriter and sounds exactly like the same divisive, partisan attacks we've heard from George Bush for the last eight years. If Governor Palin and John McCain want to define 'change' as voting with George Bush 90% of the time, that's their choice, but we don't think the American people are ready to take a 10% chance on change," said Bill Burton, Obama Campaign Spokesman.

  27. caio all--going to go dream about drilling!

  28. That was the worst fucking speech I have ever heard.


    But, I can't go with the outfit comments because not one person would say shit about the outfit of a male candidate.

    Just saying.

    It still made me cringe.

  29. Say what you will about her speech, Juan Williams and Brit Hume both cried after Michelle Obama, and their eyes are dry now.

  30. A good night for the Republicans. Tomorrow will be different.

  31. Leslie Sanchez says that speech showed compassion? WTF?

  32. Unlike with Hillary, who was no beauty queen, the double entendres are very hard to avoid. But I'm trying!

  33. "She is the embodiment of a lot of Republican talking points." -- Chris Wallace

    Can I get a critique? Is there a theorist in the house?

  34. "they slaughtered a small cow there on stage" - Krauthammer

  35. I read Wallace's comments as "she's good at reading a script." I know that's not what he meant, but that's what I heard.

  36. I will say this - she's just re-energized D's as well. Even more than we were after last week.
