Wednesday, September 24, 2008


If even Katie Couric is looking at you with undisguised contempt...

In other news, some rube from Alaska got mugged in New York today.


  1. The maverick doesn't need examples, Katie. Come on.


  2. I might just have PDS because I am unreasonably happy right now.

  3. When Katie Couric can't believe how dumb you are, you aren't a quick study.

  4. I voted on the PBS poll, but meh. It's not a legit poll. Other polling shows her favorability score tanking amongst everyone but hardcore fundies.

    And I love Katie's look of "puh-leeze, b****" on display throughout the interview. A thousand words, as they say.

  5. The pbs poll was forwarded to me because there was apparently a huge coordinated "grass-roots" effort by Republicans to flood the poll with favorable votes, and people who got wind of it wanted to counteract that. Silly, perhaps. But it looks like the GOP effort was having some effect.

  6. Jeebus, the whole McPalin campaign just reeks of desperation. "Oh noes! All of the legit polls show that people really don't like Palin - quick, find a poll to game so we can show how super popular she is!"

    I wouldn't worry too much about the PBS poll - the only people who'll cite it are right-wingers who need something good to say. No new organization will touch that poll.
