Friday, September 5, 2008

Non-Politics-Related Post

But related to the internets, so...

What are you all using for web browsing these days, because the new Firefox is eating memory to the point where I can't listen to Don Johnson on the Napster while trying to soccernet and IM with the wife?

Safari? Explorer? Something so cool no one (me) has ever heard of it?

PS: Now that I am getting my first taste of the musical stylings of Don Johnson in 20 years, it is possible that Firefox was desperately trying to do me a favor.


  1. I'm still Firefoxing with no troubles. Google has a beta-browser out now that I've heard some people really like - fwiw.

  2. hey wobs, what does "beta" mean in that context?

  3. Isn't everything Google puts out there in "beta"? That way, when they have 90% market share, they can start charging for the full release and all of us are screwed.

  4. Mike, Mike, Mike. They're corporate motto is "Don't be evil." Where's your trust? So what if they have terrabytes of information on their servers?

  5. And I don't think Google Earth is in beta anymore, or Desktop, for that matter.

  6. Could someone please answer my question?

  7. I use both firefox and safari on my mac, and firefox on the pc at work. My work computer is awful. Are you saying I can blame firefox?

  8. If your version of firefox is using 135MB of memory constantly. And 89-100% of CPU.

    I do not know what the above means. Only that my computer works like shit when this is happening.

    Work and home.

  9. Safari at home, Firefox at work (Fedora).

    Chrome, the google browser, is free and open source, now and forever. They've released it under a free software license (creative commons, I think), so they're committed.

    David Pogue has an excellent review, and mentions that it really is beta, not like gmail.

  10. or, you know, buy some more RAM. That fixes lots of stuff.


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