Tuesday, September 2, 2008

It Can Be Good, I'll Tell You That Much

Some of us celebrated Labor Day here in the US. It went unremarked on a blog nominally dedicated to discussing the state of labor in the US. What does this mean?
(For those of you celebrating charity golf tournaments, feel free to let us know how those went, too.)


  1. um, maybe you missed wobs' first post of the day?

  2. (jeebus, that came off snarky and rude, which was not my intention. just noting for the record that there was a labor day post.

    also, i think it's time to come off "leave.")

  3. I saw the first post. I didn't count it as it wasn't so much about Labor Day as it was about PRM which happened to fall on Labor Day.

  4. PRM always falls on Labor Day. Or rather, Labor Day always falls on PRM.

  5. Regardless and irregardless, I think y'all are a bunch of sell-outs.
