Thursday, September 11, 2008

First contact

There's a reason they sequestered her away from the press:


  1. somehow, when I saw the title of the post, I couldn't help but think "to first contract." Can't imagine why that would be.

    Wow, as long as Biden manages to keep his feet on the floor and not in his mouth, I think that the veep debate is going to be much better than I expected.

  2. Hmmmm. Is this all over the news? If not, it should be. I don't have TV at the moment.

  3. Don't worry, CHARRRRLIE. I hunt and fish, dontcha know. If it means protecting our country from extremists and terrorists, CHARRRLIE, I will take my rifle and take care of them sumbitches myself.


    Really liked the blank look when he explained what the "Bush Doctrine" was. But I can't fault her too much; Bush doesn't know what the Bush Doctrine is, either.

  4. Minx,

    I think it will be.

    I am feeling much better about the election. McCain/Palin have absolute no new talking points for her. The press is going to turn on her because she is refusing to talk to them and to be able to discuss the Bush Doctrine and agreeing with Obama on Pakistan are the types of things the press will slay her for.

    Or so I hope.

  5. They apparently are airing the interview in different parts. The NYT wasn't particularly kind to her. It sounds like her interview was transparently canned talking points. I've read she's a "quick study," but it sounds like she's only good at rote memorization.

    This is not the image she needed to portray.

    I'm with Mike - if Biden is properly coached, the veep debate is going to be a lot of fun.

  6. And what the fuck is up with her diction?

  7. any theories on what "legitimate and enough intelligence" is? Is that intelligence that does or doesn't come from torture?

    that was shaky, but I noticed enough references to being "hellbent" on "eliminating Islamic extremism" - which is surely impossible, as a political movement - to make it attractive to conservatives, right?

    also, how well known is the 'Bush doctrine' as a political phrase in the US? Or is it more of an academic (that's when I last heard it, anyway) than current affairs term. Doctrine of first strike, pre-emptive strike maybe. I'm not saying she shouldn't be familiar with the term, but are people going to be that surprised that she isn't?

  8. oh sorry, it's the terrorist who are "hell bent" on destroying America, not the other way round. They're the blasphemers, then, not Palin :)

  9. I think Palin's poor performance will hurt her with the press, rather than the American public.

    Once the standard storyline moves from Palin = fresh voice, average mom, campaign changer to Palin = unprepared then maybe the independents will come back to Obama.

    As for the "Bush Doctrine," I know what it means. Most anyone paying attention the last decade knows what it means. Again, might not hurt her with the public, but will hurt her with policy wonks who now have a few places in which to attack her.

    I think Stevie hit on the thing that will annoy the public. Someone obviously told her to call Gibson "Charlie" whenever possible to make her seem more "normal," but she overdid it, calling him Charlie every thirty seconds.

  10. Time to get off of Palin--a perfect blackhole and back on McCain. Like this.

  11. She is reminding me more and more of GWB every day. I'm wondering if that will help or hurt?

  12. She is definitely a decoy. So easy to critique, yet so loveable (evidently) to a lot of people. Hopefully, the Obama campaign will move on.

  13. I haven't had time to look yet, but I wonder how the neocons are taking it. The rap on Palin from the right is that she's an irresponsible pick because she has no grasp of national security. I don't think she helped herself with that crowd in this interview.
