Friday, September 26, 2008

Around the Horn, Despite all the Computations

  1. As we've said before, BHO's assertions that the "real war" is in Afghanistan/Pakistan is a good frame, horrid foreign policy situation. Tariq Ali with more.
  2. Vying for hegemony among the new Conservative intelligentsia, the American Scene's editors wonder if we're not on the verge of a new Liberal consensus.... check the comment thread, too.
  3. Fascinating, hard-to-fuck-with analysis from Doug Henwood (what else is new?) and colleague Philippa Dunne over at the Liscio Report re: economic consequences of Republican vs. Democratic administrations. Naderites and Trots, beware! There is a difference.
  4. Very nice editorial on events in Bolivia over at CounterPunch...good God! We've had relative silence for the last week or so...though it looks like Evo's out with a statement to the UN.
  5. Venezuelan govt responds to Human Rights Watch on the topic of labor violations.
  6. As hinted at - I think - by a certain scene in Good Night and Good Luck, it'd seem we're finally gonna get that Liberace biopic we've craved since whatever Wrestlemania it was he graced with his ivory-tickling.

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