Tuesday, September 2, 2008

And now, I digress

I've laid off the celebrity blogging for awhile now, mainly because celebrity antics no longer shock me. Really, how long can I go on spouting about drug-fueled escapades, gratuitous cooter shots, and fucked-up interpersonal relationships? It's all pretty fucking boring.

However, I'll make an exception for Amy Winehouse who, against all odds, appears to have OD'd on weed:
It was following this second overdose in July that doctors are worried her brain was damaged by the cannabis overdose after she displayed symptoms normally associated with schizophrenia.

The Back to Black star inhaled an 'inhuman' amount of hash that left her vomiting uncontrollably and hallucinating, according to her pal.

Back in the day, I'll 'fess up to some marathon pot-smoking sessions and methods of ingestion that turned the little weed into a hard drug (gravity bongs, anyone?). I've gotten so high that I... fell asleep.

But to smoke so much as to overdose and cause cognitive dysfunction? I have a hard time believing that it was solely hash-fueled, but damn - that shit's fucked up.


  1. Wait, is this the RNC open thread? I think I smoked too much and took a wrong turn...

  2. Hey, as long as your not puking and hallucinating, I think you're a-ok.

  3. "I got so high I...fell asleep"


  4. Oh, good lord! I've smoked 'inhuman' amounts and eaten too much or overindulged in, um, other pleasures (which I hear -- cough...David Duchovny...cough -- can get you sent to rehab these days). But overdose? Brain damage? Uncontrollable vomiting? I'm calling bullshit on that.

  5. And also: "gratuitous cooter shots"? Oh dear.

  6. I'll plead that my judgment was clouded by wine and Republicanism.

  7. the "oh dear" wasn't for you. the phrase made me laugh...it's the reality that's oh dear-worthy.

  8. winehouse: down the elevatorshaft, again

  9. I've been so high that I was vomiting and hallucinating... oh wait, was that the bad acid or the stuff i thought was mescaline? Oh yah, im sorry i was definately not just consuming large amounts of weed, my bad!
