Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Who You Got?

I won't set up a poll, as that is EZ's domain, but I thought I'd take the temperature.

Who do you have for VP? Kaine, Bayh, Biden, or surprise fourth candidate?

Vote in the comments.


  1. Biden. He's who I want (given the choices) and who I think he will select.

  2. ditto Joe, as enthusiastically asserted many times previous. - p

    ah, joe - from the chasepack to the veepstakes!

  3. Let’s see Joe Biden….sounds familiar… is he a senator?

    Voted for:
    Patriot act
    Reauthorization of same
    Border fence
    Iraq war
    75 million in abstinence funding
    Drug Czar office
    Stronger sentences for drug offenses
    More capital offenses

    Voted against:
    Any public funding for abortion
    Funding for Amtrak

    plagiarized law school paper, but not malevolently.
    Took speech from British lawmaker, forced to withdraw from 88 race.

    This is just a poorly sourced and cobbled together list (source) but it begins to scratch the surface of my dislike for this guy.

    Of course, BHO couldn’t pick Hill, because she represents the status quo and would work against the Change meme, but Biden, who has served as part of the elite ruling class since 1972….he is real change…. Give me a break!

  4. Biden it is...best choice given the names floated
