Monday, August 11, 2008

Vacationing in Hawaii Is Fascist

Cokie should have taken Bob Roberts' advice and stayed off of the crack.

These are the things you think up while high. Going on vacation to visit your grandmother is not something real Americans do. Just because Hawaii is a state, doesn't mean it's not foreign. Myrtle Beach, SC is real America where real Americans go on vacation.

Please, someone, tell me more about the liberal media.


  1. yeah, did you hear her repeat a version of this same "analysis" on morning edition this morning?

    in her defense, however, it is a well known fact that there are no grandmothers in hawaii. not. one.

  2. Oh Cokie, being from Ohio I understand that Hawaii is exotic, but real people don't go to Myrtle Beach. To show that one is just a regular douchebag (but successful and on the move), all that's necessary is an oval sticker on the back of one's SUV that reads "OBX." (That stands for Outer Banks, not obnoxious.) Poor Cokie in all her beltway trappings missed her mark when trying to show a little "regular joe(joan?)" cred.

  3. My sister goes to Hawaii on vacation almost every year. She's totally a normal American--she works for Burger King! Also, she married a Hawaiian.

  4. Anyone who marries someone as exotic and foreign as a Hawaiian is not a real American. Real Americans come from South Carolina.

  5. I'm trying to imagine Cokie Roberts at Myrtle Beach. Nope, I don't see it.

    I, on the other hand, am apparently a "regular douchebag" (??? explanation, please?), as I vacation at the Outer Banks, albeit without the OBX sticker.

  6. Hey Ash, I hope you have this on a feed, since I have no idea how to e-mail you, and I have been horribly lax about coming back and responding to you.

    I am guilty of making a broad generalization that probably has little basis in fact. I've never been to the Outer Banks, but I hear it's beautiful, and I'm sure that not everyone that goes there is a douchebag. I was basing it on my experience with people in Ohio who have those stickers. There are probably lots of people, even in Ohio, that go to the OBs and don't put those stickers on their vehicles. The people I notice are the ones with the stickers on SUVs and in my experience with them are the same sort of people that start their vacations by looking for the Planet Hollywood at their destination, so I stand by my description of them, but not generalizing to everyone who vacations at OBs.
