Wednesday, August 6, 2008

un-jersey me!

somebody explain to me how elvis costello is any better a songwriter - or any less a ham - than the Boss.


  1. I'd see either of them in concert, give the opportunity, although I don't own a single album by either. They both fall into my category of bands/musicians I recognize as important, but I'm waiting for the right moment to fully investigate. Other entries:

  2. There's only one Elvis I listen to and it ain't this one.

  3. I think it must be a Jersey thing (although others not from Jersey might want to pipe up and declare their love for the Boss). I respect Bruce Springsteen. But I have to admit that on a certain level I appreciate his music because I know I Should and that it would be Wrong not to. It's not that I don't think he's a great songwriter; it's just that I don't really connect with his music and never have.

    There's something about Elvis Costello's quirky, self-deprecating nerdiness that's more my speed.
