Friday, August 15, 2008

A Post Wherein I Advise NBC on Its Olympic Coverage

I'm not so much concerned that I, being a West Coaster, will not be able to see Michael Phelps win his eighth gold medal live, but I would like to object to NBC thinking that 12:30 am is an acceptable time to end their coverage.

If an event happens at 12:30 am on the East Coast because it is live that makes some freakin' sense, but how 'bout cutting to the chase when you can for those of us on the West Coast? I know, I know, there are ad dollars to be considered, but I'd be just as happy to watch the semi-final heat for the women's 400 IM at 6 pm the next day. Happier even. Then you could hype the hell out of the final that night. Instead, we get the main event of the night, say women's gymnatsics, starting at 10:30 pm and ending past midnight.

I'd also like to mention that synchronized diving is no more a real sport than anything happening in the X games. We have had to watch an s-load of synchronized diving. But as long as we are watching it, why can we not get that strobe motion replay on every dive? I mean, you have a really cool, powerful tool to show the audience exactly how in sync [insert Timberlake reference here] the divers were, but you don't use it. Why?

Lastly (for now), I know the beach volleyballers of both sexes are sexy with a capital S-E-X!, and maybe we need to see the Americans dominate every single team they face in the prelims, but couldn't we slip in some badminton or something every once in a while. It's pretty freakin' hot action and it's a sport we're all familiar with. Ping pong? Anything other than volleyball (beach), swimming, diving or gymnastics? No? Okay.

Okay, really lastly, if I have to watch one more Mary Carillo "Isn't China Awesome" segment, I will puke. I'm not some wingnut who thinks that every mention of China should involve a discussion of human rights abuses and the dangers of communism, but jeebus.

With that I leave you with the Spanish men's basketball team and their publicity shot for the Games. For the record, they didn't mean to offend anybody and they meant it as an "affectionate gesture."


  1. Did you see Jon Stewart's piece on the Spanish basketball team and their picture? It was classic Stewart, something I haven't seen in awhile. He linked his critique to the history of racist ad imagery in the US...and even managed to make fun of himself and his staff for engaging in the same type of "affectionate gestures" on TDS. Good stuff.

  2. While you were watching men's beach volleyball, I was watching the quarterfinals of the men's 100 meter dash on the canadian broadcasting channel. It's good to live on the border.

  3. Also, right now NBC is showing the shot put, which I saw earlier on CBC. CBC is showing rowing.

  4. uncle,

    can you please do a "Dangers of Communism" post? maybe it could be a re-occuring segment on the OG?
