Sunday, August 24, 2008

Me and the DNC

Okay, here I am, with my traveling companion, awaiting the whole damned thing.

I have already had enough of the hand-wringing over Hillary, and I should say that EZ would be right at home with a bunch of Baby Boomer women I've met here. My traveling companion says that the Rules Committee headed off a fledgling floor fight over HRC/BHO...but I think there are plenty of histrionics still in store.

On the positive side, there is some amazing wonkishness awaiting me, including this Main Event on Tuesday.

Today? Diss. work/Pool/Schmoozing/and, apparently, an AFL-CIO event. No grievances to organize for a whole 5 days, but plenty of a-nerding to do.


  1. I am, of course, demanding as many souvenirs as you can carry. Hell, I'll pay shipping if necessary.

    You know my sense of humor enough to know that anything unintentionally hilarious is something I want.

  2. Hey man, I got no problem with baby boomer women, unlike BHO:
    Obama Winning Women Voters, but Margin Slimmest Among Baby Boomers

    Was your encounter anything like this?
    "On my shuttle to the hotel, I encountered a storm of another kind: an Obama delegate from Illinois and a Clinton delegate from Massachusetts. When she said she was a Hillary delegate, the Obama delegate said facetiously: "Oh they're letting you in here, are they?" She retorted (in a friendly but stern way): "That's what's wrong with Obama folks. You're not reaching out to the Hillary people." It was the second time in as many days that I'd heard the same complaint from a Hillary supporter. Whether it's true or not, the perception is there and it needs to be addressed. I hope they're on it."

    Me too....

  3. Denver is famous for the organization of its grievances.

    I am sure if you filed a properly organized grievance, the arbitrator would award you the appropriate remedy.

  4. And we wonder why the Ds find it so easy to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory...
