Wednesday, August 13, 2008


congrats to Evo Morales, Alvaro Garcia Linera, and the 55-60% of the Bolivian polity that reaffrirmed their support of the indigenous, socialist government. However, while this referendum was helpful in shoring up popular support against the entrenched, white oligarchy - even expelling two anti-Evo prefects - the Right has already done its damage through 'autuomony referenda' which empower provinces rich in natural gas to avoid nationalization and profit-sharing and perhaps to sink Morales' ConstituentAssembly. Gramscian sociologist that he is, Linera has an interesting view on the political work ahead for the Bolivian Left. But I'd turn you to this analysis by Andrew Lubyarsky for the best intro into to the situation. Why are initiatives and referenda everywhere tools of the Right?

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