Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I'm Not a Smart Man, Jenny

Here's what I don't understand, McCain wants to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. He wants to incentivize give automobile companies tax credits to build electric cars, which will "create jobs." Obama says the same shit really. Why doesn't our news media point out that, since both men support globalized free trade, that oil produced in America will not necessarily be consumed in America, and that there is absolutely no reason American car manufactures will build electirc cars in Ohio instead of Mexico.

It's all complete shit. I watched the two men give economic speeches today (part of jury duty seems to entail heavy doses of CNN) and it was like a contest to see who could say "America" more often.

That said, McCain said some truly crazy shit. Apparently, agreeing to drill off shore will reduce the price of oil in "months, not years, months." WTF? Of course, we come back to the anchor and he just repeats the talking points, like they were true or something. Like he needs to reinforce the take away message, because that's his job, making sure we all got the highlights.

I know you all know this. But it makes me said. Just like Jenny not loving Forrest, except she really did, she just wasn't ready for his love because it was so pure.

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