Wednesday, August 13, 2008

If no one else is gonna ask, I will


Not that you owe us an explanation or anything. But if you care to share, I, for one, am curious...


  1. Lips Dexter and Chips Phepster should team up in a re-make of "Withnail & I." Any suggestions for who'll play the role of Uncle Monty are welcome.

  2. I was gonna ask, but you saved me from it, Ash!

  3. i think minx would be better at explaining it than i possibly could.

    despite being classic art-waifs in college, we played in a very aggressive band called Congratulations, and it was necessary for (Minx) and I to conjure up stage-names slash alternate persona in order to do what that band "did."

    during that period, i, for one, was hopped up on the Fall/Albini/John Lydon school of brainy provocation. my front-man name was "lex dexter," but minx often referred to me as "lips," which was capable of eliciting an even more ostentatious response from me. minx has always been capable of that.

    is there a renaissance of _that_ posture coming up the pike? of course not. but i thought i'd drop old Lips a namecheck for a minute, during a maggot-y time in which i envy him his petty antagonism and his ability to luxuriate within an essentially sardonic stream of free associations.

  4. Lips (or Lex) Dexter is a low level aristocratic (albeit shady and unhinged) provocateur given to rants about everything from Roman military actions during the war with the Goths to Great Gatsby-like dirges about illicit romance or what not.

    This might not strike others as funny or worthwhile, but five minutes with Lex will leave an impression on almost anyone. There's a great theatrical element to the whole thing that can't possibly be communicated by descriptions written by nerdy, overeducated persons. In fact, Lex is in some ways the Mr. Hyde of seminar format college courses.

  5. Raenie - you've been fully exposed to Lips Dexter, so you know him very well.

  6. Did Lex (or Lips) hear that Jackson Browne sued the McCain campaign?
