Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Have No Fear

I know it's not fair to pick on every wingnut who starts a blog, but this woman is actually published in a wide variety of places, including the MSM (at least according to her mini CV at the bottom of her webpage).

In a column about the dangers of drinking on the public - liberal, secular - college campus, Marie Jon wrote this paragraph, which I thought was the most hysterical hysterical paragraph I have read in a long time.
Binge drinking — excess for its own sake — is encouraged by other students. As a result, hospitalization of their peers for acute alcohol poisoning is becoming practically epidemic. It is not unusual for some students to down as many as twenty-two shots of vodka while in a dorm room waiting with their friends to start a weekend of partying. Poisoning resulting from the intake of such massive quantities of alcohol in a short span of time has become widespread on campuses across the nation. Approximately three hundred students die each year.
Twenty-two shots just pre-funking (as we called it in my day)? Not unusual? That's amazing. It's amazing in both the "I don't believe it for a second" sense and the "why 22 shots?" sense. Depending on how you measure a shot, that's either 86% of a fifth (1 oz), almost a whole liter (1.5 oz) or 1-1/3 liters (2 oz) of vodka. Not unusual. Before you go out partying. If this is the case (it is not), then I tip my hat to the college student of today. Thank God He made it so that one need not fear, if one has consumed the liquorous spirits before one partakes of the beer.

I'm sure Marie would like to cite her sources on this, but how to you link to Pastor Tim's lecture about the dangers of alcohol at the last youth fair at the church?

As for the Wii beer pong game, I want one and wouldn't this be a lot more sanitary than actual beer pong? But what the hell happened to quarters? I imagine as the economy continues to sink and money tightens, we'll see a return to a less equipment-intensive drinking regime.

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