Friday, August 29, 2008

Gov. Sarah Palin

Kay Bailey Hutchinson is on CNN right now basically saying that she has never heard of her and knows nothing about her.

So McCain is basically going after the Hillary vote. Giving up the attack on Obama for not having experience and going after the women. Doing so in the most craven way possible.

This race stays pretty effing exciting.


Watching CNN, I have learned that it is sexist to ask if a woman with a 4-month-old with Down Syndrome should be running for national office. On the other hand, we will hear a lot about how she didn't abort the youngster, so she is a paragon of virtue.


  1. favorite quote so far re: experience (from MSNBC):

    As for the prospect of her being vice president, Palin told Kudlow that she could not answer the question of whether she wanted the job “until somebody answers for me what is it exactly that the VP does every day. I’m used to being very productive and working real hard in an administration. We want to make sure that that VP slot would be a fruitful type of position, especially for Alaskans and for the things that we’re trying to accomplish up here….”

    Yeah, what does this crazy VP person actually do?!

    Oh and Wobs, I suspect this is going to bring back the PUMA meme?

  2. Over at Townhall, just about every post about her mentions how hot she is. Now on CNN, they are saying the McCain campaign says "she'll be someone America wants to look at."

    Yes, the GOP is taking up the fight for women.

  3. Have you taken a look at the Corner yet? They've been desperately trying this week to find something good for the GOP, and they're spinning right now is reaching whirling-dervish proportions.

    And I was wrong about this being anathema to evangelicals - she's one of them. But there's still the GOP misogyny wing.

  4. well, now we'll see if HRC's speech at the DNC was enough to hold ("her") women under the Dem tent.

  5. the Decemberists fans over at the American Scene seem to dig her as well:

    oh, and for chrissakes, what's the shortcut that allows me to hyperlink in these here comments? i know, i know - i need to wake up and smell the 90s.

  6. I predicted that McSame would pick a women as soon as I heard that BHO had picked Biden. (Ms. EZ can attest)

    Evil Genius! It will neutralize the "historic" nature of the Obama campaign. It will attract independent women to the ticket, but I doubt it will move Dem women.

    As far as whether Hillary's speech "was enough to to hold ("her") women under the Dem tent," it is not her problem anymore. She gave a great speech as did her husband, and she called for unity, but she had no hand in the VP pick. BHO opened the door by passing her over....

    I was very impressed by the speech last night, and I will certainly be voting for the D's, but, the race will be much closer than it had to be.........

  7. My favorite meme so far is "Sarah Palin, not as corrupt as every other Republican politician!"

  8. "Hockey moms." For those who aren't wathing tv, Republicans are pushing her as a "hockey mom" and MSNBC said "this will be the year of the hockey mom!" Oh I hope so. I love hockey, but I am one of like 200,000 Americans that pays attention to hockey.

    Then they're pushing the idea that her selection "opens up the West" for McCain because, apparently, we vote for people who share a vague geographic designation with us. No wait, that's the South with the shared heritage of treason.

  9. EZ,

    I don't think so. Women wil vote for McCain because he picked a woman to run with? A woman who opposes abortion?

    I think this hurts him with those "working-class white men" in Ohio we're all so enamored of.

  10. EZ and all,

    Believe me...I know well that HRC is not (any longer) to be blamed for her hold-out supporters and their, uh, vigor.

    But I'm not so sure that Palin can make this any closer than it already would've been. And I'm also not sure that an HRC candidacy (for prez or veep) would be any less fraught than BHO's.

  11. wait a second....she was in a union? her husband's in a union?

  12. Did John Fucking McCain just tout the fact that she's a member of a union and her husband is a member of a union?

  13. Did you see that woman behind McCain get the vapors when he said she was a mother of five?

  14. The women of America did not first gain the right to vote 88 years ago.
