Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fuck it, we're doing it live! DNC open thread

Well, I've got the six-pack in the fridge, the tv tuned to CNN, and a healthy dose of cynicism ready to go. Come bring the snark! In case you want to see what's happening, here's tonight's schedule.

Together, we'll find the answers to the following questions:
  • Will the Big Dawg still be as attractive to the ladies as he's ushered out of the limelight?
  • What is the beers-ingested to number-of-minutes-Bayh-has-spoken ratio at which one can remain conscious?
  • How tasty will be the red meat Biden doles out tonight, and can he dish it out without sticking his foot in his mouth?

We'll learn the answer to these questions, and hopefully a little bit about each other as the night goes on.

Just a quick managerial note - if we're as chatty as we were last night, we'll be ginning up a new thread once the comments hit triple digits, so be prepared.

Now get your yak on!


  1. Just so dr doesn't have to go first again...

  2. Okay - so NOLA is in the path of a hurricane again, almost three years to the day after Katrina, and Ray Nagin is chatting it up on CNN. Smart.

  3. Well, if they get hit again we've got boxes of donations ready to go.

  4. Fox News asks Chuck Shumer, "What role will Hillary Clinton play? Will Barack Obama nominate her to the Supreme Court?"

  5. No! The SCOTUS appointment belongs to Bill!

  6. Missed the roll call vote. Who won?

  7. It's still going on. NJ is up now.

  8. I honestly don't understand the value of having a Republican operative giving "advice" to the Democratic Party. Why does the b-team just let him babble?

  9. MSNBC doesn't feel the need to show this.

    My favorite part.

  10. New Mexico needs to hurry up the completely needless shout-outs.

  11. I think Randi is hiding behind the guy from NY talking it up right now.

  12. what channel are you watching Wobs?

    I got speeches on CSPAN...I think you're watching a replay.

    Or fucking with me.

    Cause everyone has already reported that New York went and Hills threw it to BHO.

  13. Well, I'm glad I saw the PBS replay. It was actually really moving.

  14. Eventually Bill, Hillary, and Barack will all be on the Court. It's all but inevitable.

  15. Has Bill been readmitted to the bar? Not that it will be any impediment to the tyranny of Mumia Barack X.

  16. Bobo just knocked Bill's speech-making skills. Bad keynote in '88 notwithstanding, that's just whack.

  17. Melissa Ethridge is awesome.

    Oh my! God Bless to Times are a Changing to Give Peace a Chance to Born in the's 1984...where we going next?

  18. David Brooks just drew a contrast between Obama and the Clinton's that turned on characterizing the Obamas as having an "extremely traditional conservative family".

  19. Harry's content. Awesome.
    Harry's delivery. Lulling.

  20. CNN has gone with Brian Schweitzer over Reid. I can't say that's a bad choice.

  21. Let's hope to God no one is watching Reid call for shared sacrifices and burdens. Nothing gets the votes like talking sacrifices and burdens.

    Not to say this is what costs the Dems every goddamn time, but really, I'm having flash backs to Mondale and Dukakis.

    Then he decided to call McCain a snakeoil salesman in the least compelling way possible.

  22. It's fun watching Schweitzer push Bob Barr for the MT gun lovers.

  23. Albright - McCain thinks he already knows everything he needs to know in order to be president, but the first thing a president must know is how to learn.

    That would be devastating if I were the median voter.

  24. The beer-to-Bayh ratio count begins now.

  25. T. called, so my measurements are tainted. He didn't put me out in the first minute, though.

    BTW - check out this billmon diary.

  26. Mondale looks more vigorous than McCain.

  27. Holy crap, Bobo acts like a chimp on meth!

  28. I'm sure he meant to say "One of the greatest living presidents in American history."

  29. One of the knobs on MSNBC was discussing, thoroughly, the possibility that Clinton would be booed tonight.

    Spot on analysis.

  30. The man's still got the charisma.

  31. He did the lip bite!

    I didn't realize how much I missed that until I saw. It says, "Hey, remember the 90s? Pretty cool, huh."

  32. Have any of you seen my cynicism? I seem to have misplaced it.

  33. Wow. Can Buchanan keep his the Clinton's aren't committed line going any more?

  34. While we're "waiting" for Kerry...

    Melissa Ethridge at the DNC earlier...I swear to God it's not a Rick Roll. I love this.

  35. Quick quiz: John Kerry: putz, or not a putz?

  36. Kamper! I'm feeling warm and fuzzy right now (and it's not just the beer), so I'm going to be charitable and say "not putz." But damn is he a lame follow-up act.

  37. Tom Brokaw just suggested that McCain will pick an "economic" expert for his VP, counterbalancing Obama's pick of Biden for foreign policy.

    Except, Tom, he will pick an "economic expert" of the "free market" stripe. IN other owrds, more of the same.

    THe Brokaw argues that the Clintons can't go after McCain because he's a war hero and Bill dodged the draft. That didn't matter four years ago. Jesus, it's like the swiftboating never happened.

  38. Yeah, but the cardinal rule of media campaign narratives is IOKIYAR.

  39. Dukakis, now on Fox, also looks more vigorous than John McCain.

    If I recall correctly, Kerry is a vigorous man. At least as vigorous as John McCain.

    And Carter, him too. Vigorous.

  40. Ha! Kerry made a subtle "he's old" dig!

  41. hey all--just caught up on the comments--fine analysis (and it isn't just the decaf and cookies talking)

  42. Oh hey, Kerry's talking now.

    Kerry is enough not a chump that Fox doesn't show him speak.

  43. In 2004, during his acceptance speech, I went around the room I was in and asked "putz/not-a-putz". Everyone in the room picked putz.

    But Kerry sounds good now on the national security stuff.

  44. In sum, you have to go back to 1972 to find a Democratic nominee or President who is currently less vigorous than John McCain.

  45. Kerry was not a putz for his policies so much as for "I'm John Kerry, reporting for duty!"

  46. I think that Kerry is forgetting that most Americans were as offended by the swiftboating as he was. In fact, they were kind of okay with it.

  47. Kerry had a slow start, but he's come on strong.

    And jeebus, they keep trying to start the "USA!" chant. It's kind of annoying.

  48. Hey, how do I hear Bill's speech? I missed it while putting the kid to bed.

  49. You know, these open threads are going to be a lot more fun next week at the RNC. Like I said, I'm having a hard time being cynical, and thus snarky, right now.

  50. Who cares about the swiftboating of a coward?

  51. unionboy - keep an eye out here. They've already uploaded Bayh's speech from earlier, so I bet it'll be up within the hour. Keep an eye on YouTube as well.

  52. I had a big fight with my Dad in 04 about the swiftboating. He thought it was totally in bounds.

  53. Is it wrong of me disappointed that this is a movie about veterans instead of Biden. Because I thought it was going to be about BIden and I am.

  54. PBS has a great panel of vets for Obama right now.

  55. Was the woman who endorsed Biden, teacher at a ele school in DOver, a AFT member?

  56. "Pursuant to rule c-11"

    You gotta say it like you mean it.

  57. Wish there were some liquor in the house.

  58. How the hell do you not have liquor in your house. You get paid a middle wage, act like it.

  59. Spielberg ain't got nothing on Beau.

  60. Yeah - that was about as good an intro as you can get.

  61. Remember when MTV had that "Little Pink House" contest, where you could when one in Kasas by entering a drawing?

  62. So much for my hope for some Specials music for JB's intro!

  63. Let's start slamming McCain soon, yes?

  64. Biden loves his mother! Shocking!

  65. From Ginger:

    Shout outs for apple pie and baseball coming soon.

  66. Nice recovery with the Freudian slip!

  67. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Wha.... Biden?.. Zzzzzzzzzzzz

  68. Anyone think trying to make this about Bush (again!) is a lame strategy?

  69. I dunno - a 28% approval rating kinda speaks for itself.

  70. Disagree with both of you. Loving Biden, think "more of the same" is a great frame.

  71. if you are on the fence (in the first place) doesn't that mean that a) this isn't about Bush or b) you aren't sure the last 8 years weren't all bad?

  72. that is the right frame--who is right and who is wrong.

  73. John Cougar on...the Boss off. What says "America" more?

  74. I think the vast majority of people think things are going wrong - they're on the fence because they somehow think Obama isn't up to the task or because he's... well, you know.

  75. The man is charisma with a capital CHARISMA!

  76. The chosen one! The chosen one appeared! Oh, I guess it's just a tape. Turn off your Bruce-larms.

  77. Who's the hippie in Biden's family?

  78. "Owww..grandpa just kissed me on national television."

  79. I gotta say, Biden's got a good "everyman" presence.

  80. Oh, jesus Wolf - in commenting on the band, Blitzer says "If Donna Brazille were here, we'd be dancing." And why is that Wolf?

  81. I thought tonight was great. Clinton good, biden good, obama great.

    Oh fuck me, I am starting to feel good about the Dems again. I remember this feeling from the night of the first debate in 2004 when Kerry handed Bush his ass.

    "We can't lose!"

    Oh, please, don't let us lose. We can't lose.

  82. I know the feeling. Difference is, when I started having that feeling about Kerry, it was too late at that point. Coming out of the convention, I didn't feel so hot.

    Ugh - CNN just showed the McCain ad with the so-called "Clinton Democrat" who's now voting for McCain. I. Hate. Her.

  83. Never seen it. Oregon must not be filled with betrayers.

    I guess you get everything all the time in the DC market.

    You know I am jealous.

  84. It was on CNN, so I figured it'd be a national cable buy.

  85. Brokaw is saying that last night better than last night.

    Now he is saying Obama has to "prove" the he is ready to "take that phone call at, dare I say it, 3 am?"

    He does? Fuck you. Why doesn't McCain have to prove it? Because he was a prisoner of war? Because he's a Republican? Because they have special sauce in their balls that magically give them super-knowledge about foreign affairs.

  86. The memory of watching the 2004 election in a bar at AGEL in Ohio will forever be burned in my brain. Mostly that sinking feeling in the room as the vote teetered over the brink.

    The roll call vote tonight was very cool -- well done by the DNC. I'm watching it on OPB, which is time delayed, so I haven't seen Bill or Biden yet, looking forward to it.

  87. better than tonight.

    I am both drunk and organized at the same time.

  88. hey JC.. I think you're in for a good night. If not, let us know why. CNN is calling tonight a bad night. And now Wolf is talking about "Bare Naked Ladies."

  89. I just say GOP consultant Leslie Sanchez try to diss Bill's speech, saying that Americans still don't like Bill. I gotta say, if they believe that, they're barking up the wrong tree.

    Bill was awesome - it felt like the bookend to Hill's speech the night before.

  90. The Oregon-Michigan game from 2005 is on tv right now.

    Could my life get any better?

  91. 2003, I mean. jeebus where does the time go?

  92. Could life get better? Hell yes - they could be showing the Oregon-Michigan game of 2007!

  93. No, 2003 that was the game.

    You were there. One of the top 15 days of my life. Number two sports day.

  94. Gotta go. Night, night cinnabon.

  95. Definitely in the top days of my life. I had to watch last years game all on my lonesome. But the ass-kicking at the Big House...?

    Ah hell, why are we arguing about which stomping was better? Ah lurve yooz guys!

  96. And with that we sign off. Stay tuned for lex with the on-the-scene lowdown.
